Sotfware Design 软件设计
创建名片 - 网络名片,拓展全球商务人脉资源。
Eli Madden – Quicksilver Web Works
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-17Empowering Personal Development for You
[待更新] Personal development resources and encouragement for your self improvement, empowerment, and personal development growth.www.empowering-*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-16EGK Systems Pasadena Computer Programming
[待更新] Programming and web design in Pasadena California. C, Delphi, ASP, SQL. From databases to complete custom business applications, we are here to help you. We provide services for accounting, data conversion and order tracking. Small jobs welcome. Call 626.792.7872 for more information.www.egksys*
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2016-07-16博恩软件...
[待更新] 博恩软件互联网金融产品专家(,博恩软件是中国首家一站式互联网金融服务商,国内首家集P2P系统开发,支付渠道、平台运营为一体,提供一站式解决方案的综合服务商。www.cqbornsof*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-15Pragmatic Thoughts On Game Development by Alistair Doulin
[待更新] Pragmatic Thoughts On Game Development by Alistair Doulinwww.d*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-15ecommerce
[待更新] Web site design, ecommerce, PHP - MySQL programming, java scripting, graphic design, logos, letterheads by CSG Consultingwww.ed*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-07-15Lessons Learned From The Internet
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-14custom web programming
[待更新] A web development company specializing in website scripts, web applications, interactive websites, and web design.www.enc*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-07-14SHARE
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-14Hire Freelancers Find Freelance Jobs onweb
[待更新] Hire freelance programmers, web developers, designers, writers, data entry & more at a fraction of the cost on the World's Largest Outsourcing Marketplace.www.eufreelance*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-14
资讯库 - 软件设计 (210)
Hot!- 服务项目 - Mobile Apps Development - 访问网站 - 2013-02-27 20:40:54
- 其它信息 - 昆山苏网信息 - 昆山苏网信息科技有限公司 - - 访问网站 - 2012-08-03 16:06:35
- 服务项目 - 建筑协同设计CAD,设计院信息化,协同管理,协同设计 - 广西骋天信息科技有限公司 - - 访问网站 - 2012-05-09 11:52:20
CMS Glossary
[待更新] The CMS GLOSSARY is a controlled vocabulary of terms used by CM Professionals, a content management community of practice. It is also a demonstration of the CM best practice called single-source publishing. CMS Glossary definitions are written using collaborative authoring tools with version control at our companion site*.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-07-24cmprofessionals
[待更新] Learn more about Home at cmprofessionals.orgwww.c*
- UTF-8 - 2013-04-19专注PHP编程技术
[待更新] 第一php网是国内至专业的PHP资源分享网站,为广大PHP学习研究者提供:至新的PHP资讯、原创信息、开源代码和PHP相关教程等相关内容。www.phptogeth*
- UTF-8 - 2011-08-12局域网监控软件...
[待更新] 盛世光明软件公司专业提供软件代理, 中小企业管理软件, 局域网监控软件 , 流量管理软件, 局域网管理软件, 网络监控软件, 管理孩子上网软件等, 还有更多针对不同行业的上网行为管理软件,欢迎采购!www.s*
- GB2312 - 2012-03-22逐浪CMS...
[待更新] Zoomla!逐浪CMS是国内至大的高端CMS网站内核与管理系统研发厂商, 集成内容管理、商城、OA、SNS、项目管理、采集、邮件订阅百项功能, 基于.net平台并支持跨平台与移动开发, 同时支持MSSQL与Oracle两大数据库, 用于快速构建门户网站, 提供门户站群与云计算支...www.zo*
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-25长春创为网络信息公司...
[待更新] 长春创为信息网络有限公司是吉林省基于互联网络提供全面电子商务咨询与解决方案的科技企业之一,是中国万网吉林省金牌分销商。点金商务引擎软件长春总代理;上海合强OA办公管理软件长春代理商www.cwxx*.net
- GB2312 - 2011-09-17包头网络公司...
[待更新] 新世通网络是专业从事包头网站建设、网站推广、网站优化的包头网络公司。新世通网络提供全坨网络应用解决方案, 铸就包头地区专业网站服务平台,以精湛的美工, 稳定快速的主机和优质的售后服务赢得了客户的普遍认可。联系电话:******...www.cnxs*.com
- GB2312 - 2011-09-17The Talent Agency for Digital Creatives
[待更新] Find out more about our creative talent agency that provides carefully screened talent and creative jobs for graphic designers and much more.www.vitaminta*
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-27Video Production Bristol...
[待更新] Mentor Digital is a full service digital agency based in Bristol. We offer web design, software development, digital media & video production services to clients in Bristol, and across the UK.www.mentordigit*
- UTF-8 - 2011-09-20政府门户建设...
[待更新] 西安网站建设首选西安驰讯科技, 我公司拥有专业的网站建设团队, 丰富的网站建设经验, 针对不同客户的需求提供不同的网站建设和优化方案, 西安便宜的企业网站企业, 秉承客户至上原则, 为客户提供一体化服务, 选择驰讯选择成功电话:***...www.xacx*.net
- GB2312 - 2011-10-10