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Access Database FoxPro SQL Server VB VBA ASP WEB Programming...
[待更新] I am an Access Database FoxPro SQL Server VB VBA ASP CSS HTML WEB Freelance Systems Developer/Programmer, I can provide solutions to a wide range of business computing problems.www.dennismcdermo*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-25FreelanceWizard...
[待更新] FreelanceWizard: Freelance Programming, Custom Web Design, ASP Programming, ASP Programmers, CGI, PHP, PHP4, PHP5, Invision, osCommerce, Freelancers, Freelancer, onweb job postings, Computer Programming Work, Freelance Website Design, Perl, ASP, C++ Programming, Web Site Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Offshore Contractors, Projects, Contract Programmers, Reverse Auctions, Software Development, Outsourcing, Marketplace, IT, Consulting, Free Agentswww.freelancewizard*.net
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-07-24Birmingham Custom Software Developers
[待更新] Developer and programmer of database driven custom bespoke software for Microsoft Windows development, Internet and the extranet systems.www.custombe*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-07-23Web Font Chooser 3D Graphs and Charts with Perl
[待更新] onweb web font chooser and css code generator; Professional looking 3D bar graphs with Perlwww.c*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-21David Louis Edelman
[待更新] Science Fiction Novelist, Blogger, Web Programmerwww.davidlou*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-20Web Design and Development in Sarasota
[待更新] Experienced design firm located in Sarasota, Florida that offers application programming and web site design and development using ColdFusion, Ajax and jQuery.www.ewp*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-20ELRASOFT Products
[待更新] Low-cost Logic Analyzer, I2C, SPI and Asynchronous Serial Protocol Decoder, EEPROM Device Programmer, High-Speed USB Module, Extended Hex Editor Controlwww.elras*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-20Device Programmers ISP Programming by Dataman Programmers
[待更新] Dataman Programmers have 30 years of manufacturing device programmers, eprom programmers, gang programmers, chip programmers, universal programmers, flash programmers and isp programmers.www.datama*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-19得镨科技 Dediprog Technology
[待更新] Dediprog is a company aiming at the solutions of IC programming of EEPROM, SPI/ NOR/ NAND FLASH, Microcontroller, eMMC, SD Card, CPLD a...www.dedi*
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-19Digital Engine Software [Out of Business]
- UTF-8 - 2016-07-18
资讯库 - 软件设计 (210)
- 知识库 - Linux下查看Nginx Apache MySQL的并发连接数和连接状态 - 2013-05-28 15:52:14
- 知识库 - Linux 调优方案,如何修改至大连接数 Ulimit命令 系统限制至大进程数 Max User Processes - 2013-05-28 15:36:08
- 解决方案 - Best Lowest Cost Ecommerce Solutions - Openwave Computing M Sdn Bhd - 访问网站 - 2013-05-20 21:49:05
[待更新] 用友学院是用友集团投资创办的直属教育机构, 是行业权威的ERP培训机构.致力于中国管理信息化高级应用人才的培养, 是ERP实施顾问, ERP售前顾问, ERP项目经理, 软件工程硕士等企业信息化人才成长的摇篮.咨询电话***...www.bju*
- UTF-8 - 2012-03-22Free Javascript
[待更新] SiteScripts is the web developers script portal, containing PHP scripts, ASP scripts, Javascripts and resources for web masters, web developers and programmers. SiteScripts contains a huge selection of free and commercial resources, for anyone looking to enhance their websites with powerful tools.www.sitescript*.com
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2011-06-20Perl Mongers
[待更新] Perl Mongers organise local Perl user groups and meetingswww.*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-03Html Best Codes
[待更新] Get Free HTML codes and scripts. Use HTML javascript easily with HTML help and samples. Learn html source code, function, forms, website, design.www.htmlfreec*
- UTF-8 - 2011-06-21DevProConnections
- UTF-8 - 2011-06-21Catalyst
[待更新] Catalyst is the most popular agile Perl MVC web framework that encourages rapid development and clean design without getting in your way.www.cata*
- UTF-8 - 2015-05-05Brolmo...
[待更新] Brolmo is a web service providing Free Web Applications: free web poll, free event calendar, free availability calendar, free guestbook and free contact form.www.b*
- UTF-8 - 2014-01-30