搜索相关: 钢铁 - 磁性材料 - 金属矿产 - 金属存货 - 废旧物资 - 金属加工 - 冶金矿产代理 - 冶金设备 - 冶金矿产项目合作 - 矿业设备 - 新型材料 - 有色金属 - 有色金属合金 - 有色金属制品 - 非金属矿产 - 非金属矿物制品 - 其他 - 管件、管材 - 金属丝网 - 冶金矿产
2017-07-19 供应信息 - 刺绳刺丝直线型刄片刺绳 - 顺发金属织网纺织器械有限公司 - 金属丝网 - 王鹏飞 - 27.187.18.*
刺绳引由全自动化的刺绳机拧编而成。民间俗称铁蒺藜。 成品种类: 单丝拧编和双丝拧编。 原材料:优质的低碳钢丝(电镀锌,热镀锌,涂塑,喷塑)丝... 详细信息.....
刺丝 刺丝 刺丝由全自动化的刺绳机拧编而成,民间俗称铁蒺藜。 刺丝种类: 单丝拧编和双丝拧编。 刺丝材料:优质的低碳钢丝(电镀锌,热镀锌,涂塑,喷塑)丝... ...(67/1)
2017-07-19 产品库 - 电焊网筛网围栏网 - 顺发金属织网纺织器械有限公司 - 金属丝网 - 王鹏飞 - 27.187.18.*
用途:焊网广泛用于工业、农业、养殖、建筑、交通运输、采矿等方面。如机器防护罩、兽畜围栏、花木围栏、护窗栏、通道围栏、家禽笼、盛蛋 ...(66/1)
2017-07-19 产品库 - 勾花网护栏网活络网菱形网 - 顺发金属织网纺织器械有限公司 - 金属丝网 - 王鹏飞 - 27.187.18.*
缩把勾花网:属于勾花网的一种又称菱 形网、斜方网,护坡网。广泛运用在仓库、工具间冷藏、防护加固物、公园、动物园围栏、海洋捕鱼栅栏以及建筑工地围栏、机械设备的防护,高速公路护栏,体育场所围网,马路 绿化带防护网。我厂生产的勾花网采用钩编工艺,网孔均匀、网面平整、美观大方、不易腐蚀,寿命长,材质优良、美观实用等特点。特殊规格可根据客户需求加工订做。
编织及特点:钩编而成,网孔均匀、网面 ...(74/1)
2017-07-19 产品库 - 六角网石笼网护垫网石笼网网箱网袋 - 顺发金属织网纺织器械有限公司 - 金属丝网 - 王鹏飞 - 27.187.18.*
六角网 六角网 六角网 是金属线材编织的角形网(六角形)制成的铁丝网,使用的金属线径是根据六角形的大小而不同.... 详细信息.....
石笼网 产品详细介绍 石笼网的材质主要有四种: (1)镀锌钢丝:优质低碳钢丝,钢丝的直径2.0MM-4.0MM,钢丝的抗拉强度不少于380Mpa... ...(37/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - Baking Band - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Baking band also known as "Z Belts" consists of duple unilateral spiral woven mesh for oven conveying process. This kind of mesh belt features extremely flat and smooth surface. The thicknes ...(347/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - Compound Balanced Belting - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Compound balanced belting, also named cordweave belt or v-shaped conveyor belt, have right-hand and left-hand spirals interconnecting by straight cross rods. It is similar to balanced weave besides sm ...(327/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - Radius Flat Wire Belts - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Apart from the characters of straight-running flat wire belt, radius flat wire belt have additional capacity - move products right or left turn of up to 180 degrees while maintaining proper alignment ...(53/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - Heavy Duty Flat Wire Belts - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Heavy duty flat wire belts has all the characteristics of standard duty belts except heavier cross rods and thicker flat strip. 1/2" wide × 0.062" thick flat strip and 6 gauge connector rod ...(44/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - En Flat Wire Belting - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Flat wire belting, also named as honeycomb belting, is a well known traditional conveyor belt for most straight-running conveying applications. This hone comb belt features very large open area, high ...(55/1)
2016-08-26 产品库 - Balanced Weave Belt - Boegger Industrial Limited - 金属丝网 - Robert Zhao - 123.180.206.*
Balanced weave belt, also called as wide spiral belts or wire link belts in different countries, consists of a series of alternating single or double left-hand and right-hand spirals connected by crim ...(301/1)