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2012-01-25 业界资讯 - Sinopec Signs Gas Deal With APLNG - 其他 - New Hua - 236.248.198.*
China Petrochemical Corp, known as Sinopec Group, said Friday that it has signed a deal with Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd (APLNG) to purchase 7.6 million tons of liquefied natural gas annually for 20 ...(290/1)
2012-01-25 业界资讯 - Luxury Looks To Cash In On Dragon - 地区合作 - New Hua - 162.132.168.*
The Dragon became a main design element in Western luxury brands at the start of 2012, as their wealthy Chinese customers prepare to celebrate the Year of the Dragon.
The Chinese New Year will star ...(235/1)
2012-01-20 业界资讯 - 2012 Sees Home Prices Fall In Many Large Cities In China - 不动产项目合作 - New Hua - 133.117.228.*
Nearly three quarters of large Chinese cities saw a decrease in home prices in December.
That was the greatest number of cities to see such a decline in any month of 2011 - a sign that the governm ...(207/1)
2012-01-16 业界资讯 - Olympic Venues Could Be White Elephants Without More Revenue - 地区合作 - New Hua - 232.100.174.*
More than three years after the 2008 Olympic Games, managers of Beijing's Olympic landmarks are desperately exploring new ways to profit from them in order to avoid financial woes.
The most recent ...(142/1)
2012-01-16 招商合作 - Chinas Q4 GDP Growth Expected To Drop Below 9% - 地区合作 - New Hua - 157.81.149.*
China's economic growth may drop below 9 percent for the first time in 10 quarters, sapped by declining exports and fixed-asset investment, analysts predicted.
The gross domestic product (GDP)'s va ...(175/1)
2012-01-11 文章 - China Trade Surplus Continues Declining Trend - 其他 - New Hua - 151.149.138.*
Falls for third consecutive year as global demand shrinks for exports
BEIJING / SHANGHAI - China's trade surplus narrowed further for the third consecutive year in 2011 to below $160 billion, while ...(227/1)
2012-01-10 业界资讯 - Chinese Manufacturing Company Acquires Ferretti Group - 其他 - New Hua - 68.95.100.*
JINAN -- A manufacturing company from east China's Shandong province will buy Italian luxury yatchmaker Ferretti Group, according to a deal the two firms reached on Tuesday in the provincial capital o ...(224/1)
2012-01-10 业界资讯 - Ing In GOP Election Campaign No Cause For Concern - 地区合作 - New Hua - 155.163.216.*
BEIJING - Criticism of China has again become a feature of the US presidential election campaign, but tough rhetoric on the campaign trial will melt away after polling day, analysts said.
In the l ...(84/1)
2011-12-09 创业加盟 - 琪琪饰品店结盟:中国饰品结盟连锁创业十大品牌项目、国际金奖大品牌 - 广州琪琪饰品连锁有限公司 - 招商、合作 - - 韦小姐 - 119.131.43.* - 访问网站
1、收结盟费5. ...(45/1)
2011-12-06 创业加盟 - 特色湘菜——湖南湘西部落诚邀大家结盟 - 湖南湘西部落湘菜结盟有限公司 - 招商、合作 - 陈妙玉 - 119.39.105.* - 访问网站
“湘西部落” 代表着“湘西一个淳朴的部落”。“湘西部落”融合传统湘菜特色、湘西民俗表演、湘西美食经验、湘西文化传播、原生态食品等口味特点,为您打造全新的湘菜餐饮文化。倾注全力坚持用100%纯粹原生态食品生产加工,绿色健康的特色美食;抛弃了传统湘菜的满堂油烟,让湘西部落独特的民风民俗与丰富的特产资源有机结合,数千年封闭的历史让这一方水土披上一层神秘的面纱,吸引着无数 ...(32/1)