Textile 纺织
Welcome to octansrugs
This is the home of octansrugs.com[地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-12-01antique pots...
Large garden pots, antique pots, kilim rugs, wool rugs, old carpets, stone benches, carved stone, fountains, iron candle holders, old and antique wood from huge collection of Nomad Gallery[地毯] -
- ISO-8859-1 - 2024-11-30Finest Quality Selection of Rugs Furniture
For the highest quality and the largest selection, visit NW Rugs & Furniture today. Great selection of in stock rugs & furniture. Three Portland area locations![地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-30Castle Cleaning Oriental Rug Company
[待审][地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-30Floor Mats...
Vinyl Compound Runner, V-Groove Corrugated Runner, Round Rib Runner, Diamond Plate Runner, Niru Versa Runner, Niru Knob-Top Runner, Commercial Entrance Mats, Food Service Mats, Industrial Use Mats, Specialty Mats, Custom Mats, Logo Mats, Entrance Mats, Mats, Broadloom Carpet, Area Rugs, Acoustical Wallcovering, Oriental Rugs, Contemporary Rugs, Inlay Rugs, Custom Rugs, Runners, wallcovering, vinyl flooring, recycled rubber flooring, rubber flooring[地毯] -
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2024-11-29mailorder parts...
Volvo parts, spares, accessories, Volvo tuning & service parts... Genuine, aftermarket & performance Volvo parts for the 850, S70, V70, XC60, XC90, S40, V40, V50, S60, S80 and all other Volvo models - Volvo spares and accessories at discounted prices. Buy onweb, we ship to the UK and worldwide and supply Volvo parts for all volvos via our secure onweb Shop.[地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-29Entrance Flooring Solutions
Find the right solution for your entrance. With over 4 decades in entrance flooring innovation, Construction Specialties offers unparalleled design and quality.[地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-29Shop Modern Rugs onweb
Payless Rugs has the largest selection of area rugs for sale onweb. We carry popular rug brands at discounted prices. Visit our website & shop our inventory of unique & modern rugs today![地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-29Persian rug history
[待审][地毯] -
- ISO-8859-1 - 2024-11-28Simplifying Residential Cleaning
PCS Cleaners are here to help with all your Residential and Commercial cleaning needs. We take pride in our cleaning excellence in Sydney.[地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-11-28
资讯库 - 纺织 (385)
Hot!- 产品库 - 植绒布除异味方法 - [面料] - 2014-03-19 09:04:02
- 产品库 - 人大代表邱新海:纺织业发展需得到政策支持 - 中国纽扣交易网 - [其他] - 访问网站 - 2014-03-18 08:32:41
- 产品库 - 中国纺织竞争力下降-多米尼加纺织业可望全面复苏 - 中国纽扣交易网 - [其他] - 访问网站 - 2014-03-17 08:49:16
Site de chaussure sport pas cher...
[待更新] Grand choix de baskets chaussures et vêtements sport mode en vente au meilleur prix discount pour homme, femme, enfant , bébé[纺织辅料] -
- UTF-8 - 2020-10-13高档色织面料生产商
[待审] 鲁泰纺织股份有限公司是目前全球高档色织面料生产商和国际一线品牌衬衫制造商,全国五一劳动奖状”、“中华慈善事业突出贡献奖”、“全国质量奖”、第三届“中国工业大酱”等荣誉称号。[纺织项目合作] -
- UTF-8 - 2024-03-28镀铬辊...
[待更新] 江苏戴纳米克机械科技有限公司专业压延辊厂家,主要辊子产品有:压延辊、镀铬辊、导辊、花纹辊、哑光辊、镜面辊、光面辊。流延辊及其他特殊制辊等。辊子产品广泛服务于造纸.皮革、塑胶、包装印刷、纺织、无纺布、金属、机械等各个行业。欢迎来电咨询!...[纺织设备和器材] -
- UTF-8 - 2023-12-28新西兰羊毛...
[待更新] 浙江美术地毯制造有限公司-我公司为了保证产品的质量,全面采用国际知名公司提供的原料,如新西兰羊毛、英国羊毛、美国首诺尼龙、英威达尼龙、美国陶氏化学胶乳、德国巴斯夫乳胶、瑞士汽巴染料等,公司产品质量稳定,通过中国环保地毯产品认证,获得了美国国家地毯协会(CRI)的“Gre...[地毯] -
- UTF-8 - 2022-08-12台板印花机...
[待更新] 温州市益彰机械有限公司是浙江省首批专业生产全自动印花机,台板印花机,T恤印花机,丝网印花机,跑台圆盘印花机,导带式印花机,移印机和印前印后设备的流水线设计制作公司之一。公司拥有强大的专业技术团队来进行售后服务,我们有充分的能力为客户组建新工厂,为客户提供技术支持、设备筛...[纺织设备和器材] -
- UTF-8 - 2022-08-28FS深圳国际服装供应链博览会 网站...
[待更新] FASHION SOURCE作为亚洲地区首要服装供应链博览会,强强联合智奥会展集团及其下Premiere Vision品税至尚展共同打造国际领先的服装供应链展会品牌;始终是国内外品牌和买手开发优质供应商的首选平台,也是国内外服装供应链上下游企业展示企业新品、获取订单的至...[纺织辅料] -
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-12官方旗舰店
[待更新] 罗莱家纺是打造超柔床品的家纺品牌,通过31道致柔工艺,打造超柔触感。罗莱家纺总部位于中国上海,集研发、设计、生产、销售于一体。罗莱家纺用优质的原材料,精心的做工,人性化的优美设计,贴心的服务,让消费者享受身心的全面舒适与放松,真正的体味幸福与满足。...[纺织项目合作] -
- UTF-8 - 2019-01-02