Satyananda Yoga Zentrum e...
[待更新] Die Lehre der Bihar School of Yoga umfasst Yogaübungen für einen gesunden Körper, Yoga als Hilfe zum Mind-Management und Yoga für den spirituell Suchenden.www.satyananda*
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Interfaith Spiritual Retreat Centre...
[待更新] Get in touch with the truth of your being. Live conciously and mindfully. Let go of all worldly cares and concerns and experience the bliss of being here, for now.www.s*
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Beach Yoga Retreat
[待更新] Sardinia Yoga is a unique beachfront yoga experience, set on the Costa Smeralda on Sardinia. www.sardiniayoga*.com
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Sahaja Yoga UK
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what it's all about
[待更新] What Sahaja Yoga is all about, how to get your self-realisation and how to continue with this fascinating journey of self-discovery.www.sahaja-*
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[待更新] 霎哈嘉瑜伽在全世界都是公益的, 它是从自觉开始的瑜伽.求道者通过静坐, 冥想, 入定, 可以达到三摩地的状态, 当三脉七轮得到清洁, 昆达里尼母亲通过中脉上升到顶轮, 达到天人合一的境界.锡吕玛塔吉是霎哈嘉瑜伽的创始人, 她带给人类觉醒和灵性的升进....www.*
- GB2312 - 2014-08-19
Research on Yoga in Education
[待更新] Research on Yoga in Educationwww.rye*
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[待更新] 株式会社ベビーヨガアソシエイト 公式サイトwww.rody-yog*.jp
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Red Tent Yoga Byron Bay
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[待更新] Real Yoga is one of the finest leading yoga service provider since 2008. You'll find a comprehensive holistic approach of work-life balance and integration of body & mind with a twist of fresh and modern environment to practise yoga in Singapore here.
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