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Hotel & Restaurant 宾馆、餐厅

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  • howard-johnson-hotel-chongqing.win


       [待更新] 重庆锦怡豪生酒店位于地处重庆九龙坡区杨家坪商圈,紧靠重庆高端大型商场万象城,与重庆市动物园咫尺相邻。重庆锦怡豪生酒店客房、套房及总统套房设计时尚、雅致怡人,房间内现代化设施设备配备齐全,柔软的客床、独立的洗浴设施和房间内现代化的布置为您你供无与伦比的住宿体验,尽享温馨与...

    www.howard-j*hnson-hotel-chongqing.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-29

  • sofitel-shanghai-hongqiao.win


       [待更新] 上海虹桥新华联索菲特大酒店毗邻虹桥枢纽及上海国家会展中心,临近轨交2号线可方便到达人民广场、外滩等知名景点,前往虹桥机场及虹桥火车站仅需5分钟。上海虹桥新华联索菲特大酒店拥有350间装修典雅的客房,设有豪华间、行政房及总统套房。配有高速互联网接口,无线网络复盖酒店公共区...

    www.sofitel-sh*nghai-hongqiao.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-28

  • wanlong-hot-spring-resort.win


       [待更新] 武功山万龙国际温泉度假酒店坐落于江西省萍乡市武功山风景区,是集温泉养生、水上游乐、宴会接待、旅游度假等为一体的生态园林式温泉度假酒店。武功山万龙国际温泉度假酒店拥有近100个大小不一、形态各异的氡汤纯天然养生温泉设有全国独有并四季开放的温泉智勇大冲关、华东及中南地区首家...

    www.wanlong-hot-sprin*-resort.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-27

  • le-meridien-qingdao.win


       [待更新] 青岛西海岸隆和艾美度假酒店位于青岛市灵山湾至长的海滩之上,坐拥迷人景观。青岛西海岸隆和艾美度假酒店配备完善的设施,拥有能够激发您灵感与创意的场地,适合举办各式商务活动,亦可成为您探索青岛市优美景点与文化遗迹的魅力居所。...

    www.le-meridien*qingdao.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-25

  • bdfnhotel.cn


       [待更新] 威海半岛菲诺国际酒店有限公司是一家集威海商务酒店, 威海旅游度假酒店预订为一体的星级酒店, 作为威海国际酒店我们承接餐饮, 住宿以及商务会议的电话预订, 价格合理, 设施齐全

    www.bdfnhotel*.cn/ - UTF-8 - 2016-11-22

  • doubletree-hilton-chongqing.win


       [待更新] 重庆嘉发希尔顿逸林酒店坐落于南坪商业文化中心,临近重庆国际会展中心、购物中心和着名景点。交通便捷,链接渝中区、九龙坡区和江北区等商业文化中心。重庆嘉发希尔顿逸林酒店拥有设计新颖,设施完善的高品质客房。无论是单独旅行的商务客人,还是全家出行的休闲游客,我们定能满足您的需要...

    www.double*ree-hilton-chongqing.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-22

  • wanda-realm-xining.win


       [待更新] 西宁万达嘉华酒店坐落于国家级新区海湖新区,毗邻全新商业中心西宁万达广场,距离西宁火车站仅30分钟车程,距西宁机场35分钟,20分钟抵达西宁老城区。西宁万达嘉华酒店拥有温馨典雅的客房与套房,客房面积自37平方米起至181平方米,所有房间内均配有“万达嘉华之床”,将为所有宾...

    www.wanda-realm-xinin*.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-18

  • intercontinental-nantong.win


       [待更新] 南通滨江洲际酒店位于被列为全国佛教八小名山之首的国家4A级狼山旅游风景区内;东临黄海,与崇明岛及苏州市隔江相望。南通滨江洲际酒店奢华客房及俯瞰长江江景的全景套房,带有本地特色的设计和当代家居配件彰显时尚与典雅。家庭联通房,更是周末休闲的好去处。...

    www.int*rcontinental-nantong.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-17

  • novotel-xian-scpg.win


       [待更新] 西安印力诺富特酒店位于城北商圈,与大型购物中心印象城相连,南依城墙,东近大明宫国家遗址公园。紧邻地铁2号线,轻松前往钟楼、西安高铁北客站,西安咸阳机场也方便快捷。西安印力诺富特酒店提供有48寸电视、音乐播送器、Novotel BedoR的多间舒适客房,同时3D体验区、I...

    www.novo*el-xian-scpg.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-17

  • radisson-exhibition-center-shanghai.win


       [待更新] 上海国展宝龙丽筠酒店位于青浦区新府中路,周围餐饮、娱乐配套齐全,出行便利。上海国展宝龙丽筠酒店客房装饰雅致,设有宽敞舒适、设计时尚的办公空间,高速无线网络。房间均配有由国际知名美容记者Kathy Philips开创的天然护肤品,满足现代商旅客的高品质生活。...

    www.radisson-exhibition-c.*.. -shanghai.win - GB2312 - 2016-11-16

  • shamrocklodgehotel.ie

    Athlone Hotels...

       [待更新] Athlone Hotel - Official site of The Shamrock Lodge Hotel. Rooms from €25. Located 5 mins from Athlone Town Centre. Enjoy traditional hospitality set amid scenic private grounds and gardens at this charming hotel in Athlone. Book onweb now!

    www.shamrocklodgehotel*.ie - UTF-8 - 2012-07-08

  • diamondcoast.ie

    Diamond Coast 4 Star Hotel Enniscro...

       [待更新] Hotels In Sligo, Sligo Hotels, Hotel Sligo -The Diamond Coast Hotel Enniscrone superior 4 star hotel in County Sligo. Diamond Coast is located by Enniscrone golf course, dune lands and stunning golden beaches, perfect for watersports, swimming and walks.

    www.*iamondcoast.ie - UTF-8 - 2012-07-09

  • academyplazahotel.ie

    Hotels In Dublin City Centre...

       [待更新] Official site - Academy Plaza Hotel in Dublin City Centre just off O'Connell St - Rooms From €34.50pps - No Booking Fee when you book onweb.

    www.academyplazaho*el.ie - UTF-8 - 2012-07-09

  • resnetworld.com

    Worldwide hotel reservations service...

       [待更新] Resnet Worldwide hotel Reservation Services is the latest technology leader in the onweb hotel reservations industry, Hotel reservations service, Hotel Reservations Dubai, Worldwide hotel Reservations Service, onweb Hotel Reservation, Hotel Booking, World...

    www.resnetworl*.com - UTF-8 - 2012-05-01

  • amsterdamby.com

    bed and breakfast...

       [待更新] Reservations of Hotels and other non-conventional accommodation in Amsterdam. Direct contact with the owners, richest photogalleries, price guarantee

    www.amster*amby.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2012-12-20

  • wyndhamhotelgroup.com

    Room Rates and Rewards

       [待更新] Find and book hotel rooms onweb at Wyndham Hotel Group hotels. Browse discounts, deals, photos and amenities including free breakfast and internet at most locations. Save more with Wyndham Rewards.

    www.w*ndhamhotelgroup.com - UTF-8 - 2013-02-18

  • choicehotels.ca

    Hotels Canada

       [待更新] Book onweb today with Choice Hotels Canada and discover the home of our fantastic, cozy and comfortable hotel brands all over Canada, from St. John's to Vancouver.

    www.choiceho*els.ca - UTF-8 - 2013-12-15

  • delano-hotel.com

    Luxury South Beach Hotel and Pool

       [待更新] Delano Boutique Hotel, the iconic Hotel that changed South Beach forever. Features exclusive options including restaurant, spa and poolside luxury. Reserve Today!

    www.d*lano-hotel.com - UTF-8 - 2018-11-05

  • hotelamigo.com

    Hotel Amigo Official Site...

       [待更新] Rocco Forte Hotels is delighted to introduce the newly refurbished Hotel Amigo, which we have restored to its rightful status as the best luxury hotel in Brussels.

    www.hotelami*o.com - UTF-8 - 2012-12-20

  • hotelderussie.it

    Hotel de Russie

       [待更新] The Hotel de Russie is a luxury five-star hotel located in the heart of the beautiful city of Rome between the Spanish Steps and Piazza del Popolo.

    www.h*telderussie.it - UTF-8 - 2013-12-14

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