Packaging Bags 包装袋
[待更新] A family owned business offering shipping supplies to the onweb community since 1999www.*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-31moving and packaging materials
[待更新] Central Oregon Strapping Supply, LLC, providing Central and Eastern Oregon with quality shipping, packaging and moving solutions and materials. (800)***www.centraloregonst*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-30flexible packaging specialists
[待更新] BMSI is your flexible packaging specialist. With over 30 years in the flexible packaging industry, BMSI provides quality flexible packaging for any application at a competitive per-unit price.www.bmsipackaging*.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-29Shipping Supplies
[待更新] For an Immediate Quote on Custom Packaging or Shipping Supplies Call Toll Free: (888)***.www.ameri*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28Armand Manufacturing
[待更新] Armand Manufacturing, Inc.www.*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28Bitterwallet
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28Packaging Supplier
[待更新] Stock Paper Bags - next day delivery. Custom printed paper bags-free design, free delivery and Easy Pay Plan with 0% Interest.www.barrypacka*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28苍南县龙港吉豆制袋厂...
[待更新] 本厂主要生产各种规格环保袋,无纺布袋,棉布袋帆布袋,牛津布袋等环保袋,龙港吉豆无纺布袋厂家在帆布袋,无纺布袋定做具有10年的经验。欢迎致电吉豆无纺布袋厂家咨询有关无纺布袋、帆布袋和牛津布袋等各类定做的相关信息。...www.jid*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28Custom HandMade Paper Bag Offer Customisation Servic...
[待更新] We custom made various kinds of Paper Bag. Now here we offer paper bag with a wide range of printing techniques, finishings and various types of paper and handle types to choose from and create different looks to suit any event or occasionwww.c1*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2019-08-28TianBai Plastic Company Ltd...
[待更新] Tongcheng Tianbai Plastic company it one of the leading Manufacturer of plastic & non woven products in China, China's first commitment to fulfill corporate social responsibility, environmental protectionwww.c*
- UTF-8 - 2019-08-28
HappyLife快乐生活购物网 好神拖第二代特价中...
[待更新] 本站为鞋柜收纳礼赠品, 礼物, 家用百货, 璧贴专业网站.本公司对商品品质的坚持及深刻了解消费者对网购送货速度、良好的售后服务的殷切期盼,希望能透过本店,让您在网路上也能享有店面购物的安心与方便!让所有消费者都能轻松买到价格合理、品质优良的商品,生活更快乐顺心!...www.*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27青岛塑料袋 青岛PVC塑料袋 PVC塑料袋 PE塑料袋 BOPP塑料袋...
[待更新] 青岛pvc袋生产商_青岛英贝塑料包装制品厂专业生产各种pvc袋:PE塑料袋, BOPP塑料袋, PP塑料袋, PVC塑料袋, 吹膜, 塑料制品移印, 三面封袋, PVC礼品袋, PVC拉链袋, PVC文件袋, PVC手提袋, PVC大包装袋www.*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27凹版印刷机...
[待更新] 东光县鑫宏塑料包装机械是塑料机械的专业生产厂家主营:分切机, 制袋机, 凹版印刷机, 干式复合机, 纸管机, 复合机, 纸管机, 吹膜机, 胶带机, 纸塑流涎机等塑料机械设备.产品质量可靠使用寿命长.服务线路:***www.zxslj*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27包装袋...
[待更新] 兰州金安新包装有限公司创立于1997年,是集科、工、贸为一体的高科技企业。主要从事制袋机设备及绿色包装袋产品的研发、制造。www.lzja*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27常州创成塑料机械有限公司
[待更新] 常州创成塑料机械有限公司是生产塑料编织机械的专业厂家,目前专业生产圆织机(四梭、六梭、中六梭、大六梭、八梭、十梭)。凭借先进的专业技术和团结奋进的企业精神,公司已为中国乃至海外客户提供了15000多台(套)的塑料编织设备。...www.chuang*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27厦门手机号码...
[待更新] 厦门长江通讯,由于厦门号码都是一手货源,号码甚多,不断更新,实力见证一切,批发零售:厦门移动,厦门联通,厦门电信号码,打包者优先www.ytch*
- GB2312 - 2016-05-29高温蒸煮袋...
[待更新] 铝箔袋厂家,深圳市永信海包装制品有限公司专业生产PO、PE、PP、OPP、PPE、PVC为原料的塑料胶袋,食品包装袋,面膜包装袋,高温蒸煮袋,无纺布袋,商场购物袋,服装袋,背心袋,手挽袋,手提袋等。www.szyxjd*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27