Packaging Bags 包装袋
textile packaging
[待更新] HUBCO Manufactures textile bags, Hutchinson, Kansas, textile packagingwww.hubcoinc*.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-14Multisac
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-14Global Packaging and Environmental Solutions
[待更新] Worldwide Manufacturing Facilities. US & Canadian Distribution Centers. BRC, HACCP, ISO Certified Manufacturing Facilities.www.materialmoti*
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-14Solid Board Packaging & Corrugated Packaging
[待更新] Lyburn Supplies for solid board and corrugated packaging including fibreboard packaging for food processing in the fish, poultry and horticultural market sectors.www.lyburn*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2019-10-14MonoSol
[待更新] Let's collaborate to unleash your product! Our water-soluble film technologies enable innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that dissolve in water.www.monos*
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- UTF-8 - 2019-10-13Military Packaging
[待更新] Desiccant bags, heavy duty pallet covers, mil spec rolls & wraps are some of the industrial and military packaging solutions offered by Midsouth Packaging.www.midsouthpack*
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-13HomePage
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-13Custom Corrugated Packaging...
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- UTF-8 - 2019-10-12
[待更新] 强辉科技是深圳专业拉伸膜批发厂家,主营产品防静电拉伸膜、PE拉伸膜、防静电拉伸膜、物流专用拉伸膜、缠绕膜、工业缠绕膜、防静电气泡袋远销海内外,当天下单当天出货,质量保证,价格优惠。拉伸膜批发定制:***...www.cnbao*
- UTF-8 - 2023-12-19塑料包装袋...
[待更新] 沈阳光祖塑料包装制品厂专业从事塑料包装袋, 主要产品有:沈阳塑料袋, 塑料包装袋, 方便袋, 打包袋, 塑料袋厂家, 塑料袋定做, 食品包装袋生产厂家, 沈阳包装袋.是沈阳地区专业的塑料包装袋厂家手机***程厂长电话:***...www.pac*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-27塑料袋...
[待更新] ★河北雄县名信塑料袋厂★生产塑料袋, 撕拉袋, 方底袋, 水桶袋, 复合袋, 挂装袋, 连卷袋, 塑料袋批发, 塑料袋制作, 塑料袋定做, 塑料袋印刷一条龙服务联系电话:***www.silad*
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[待更新] 中国(东莞)海大pvc环保胶袋厂--胶袋|pvc袋|PVC软胶袋|EVA胶袋|PVC证件袋|pvc胶袋|pvc电压袋|PVC挂钩胶袋厂|pvc化妆袋|pvc包装袋|pvc充气玩具|pvc化妆品袋|PVC礼品袋|PVC拉链袋|环保胶袋|PVC文件袋|无纺布袋***周先生www.pv*
- GB2312 - 2016-02-27