Peripherals 电脑外设
创建名片 - 网络名片,拓展全球商务人脉资源。
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-29北京良英科技发展有限公司
[待更新] 北京良英科技发展有限公司-触摸屏、多点触摸屏、触摸查询机、大厅排队机、医院排队机、液晶广告机、数字标牌、液晶电子白板、液晶大屏幕拼接、DLP大屏拼接、触摸显示器等配套软件及硬件设备www.tou*
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-29Capacitive touch Panel 广东泰奇克光电科...
[待更新] TouchKit-Capacitive touch Panel ,Touch Screen Controller广东泰奇克光电科技有限公司www.touch*
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-27金雀触控...
[待更新] 北京金雀未来科技有限责任公司一直致力于各种多媒体自助设备和配套软件的研制与生产,是国内至早以触摸屏及相关产品为主营业务的公司。产品涵盖排队机、触摸查询一体机、多媒体触摸一体机、高端多点触摸屏、高端触控屏系统等。...www.touchscree*
- GB2312 - 2021-05-27Interactive Multi...
[待更新] BUY Touch Screen Monitors, the LARGEST variety of Multi-Touch Displays available from 12â to 82â+ including ELO, iiyama, CTX, NEC, Samsung, CleverLCD, Clevertouch, 3m, EPOS, Kiosks, Wall mounts, Trolleys, Floor stands, Accessorieswww.touchscreen*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2021-05-25Touch Screens
[待更新] We sell touch computers, touch displays, elo touch, keyboards and touch PCs. Browse our catalog and order.www.touchwindow*.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-25An onscreen virtual keyboard...
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-24TSItouch...
[待更新] TSItouch is a US-based manufacturer of custom touch screens, protective overlays, and video wall solutions for commercial grade displayswww.ts*
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-23TVI Electronics...
[待更新] Supplier of touch screens, touch screen LCD controllers, monochrome, color graphic, TFT, OLED LCD modules.www.tvielectron*
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-22Touch UK – Worldwide Specialists in Multitouch Technology
- UTF-8 - 2021-05-22
资讯库 - 电脑外设 (25)
- 供应信息 - POS机外壳套料 触摸电脑外壳 - 晶显商用设备有限公司 - - 2012-08-06 11:49:39
- 供应信息 - 供应工业级质量电阻触摸屏 3.5-52寸 - 增城市奔腾电子有限公司 - - 2011-08-23 08:42:00
- 求购信息 - 杭州废旧电脑显示器UPS电源电瓶回收 - 杭州旧货物资回收公司 - 2011-01-04 18:57:16
U盘工厂 U盘厂家 U盘生产厂家 U盘定制 ...
[待更新] 金帝科技(香港)有限公司暨深圳市高德凯恩科技有限公司是专业的U盘工厂及U盘制造商, , 研发商,专业的个性U盘和礼品U盘研发生产商。***www.usbkin.g*om
- GB2312 - 2011-05-10办公耗材批发...
[待更新] 昆山银河电脑,一站式网上交易平台www.6*
- UTF-8 - 2013-05-17net Virtual Merchant
[待更新] Payment Gateway is a service that allows a virtual merchant to accept credit cards onweb. Accept mobile payments with Authorize.Net and a Payment Gatewaywww.paymentgatewayservic*
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-09Barcode solutions for storeroom warehouse labs stock control...
[待更新] UK warehouse label printer : Buy labels and Zebra thermal barcode label printers - Scotland's leading supplier [Cannock Chase, Spelthorne]*
- UTF-8 - 2018-04-22LCD Display Systems & LCD Modules
[待更新] anders DX is a global supplier of standard and customised LCD components, flat panel display systems, embedded computing & input technologies.www.ander*
- UTF-8 - 2012-02-23艾尚无线键盘鼠标及套装...
[待更新] 深圳永尚达科技有限公司是知名无线键盘鼠标厂家, 提供无线键盘鼠标的生产, 研发, 批发, 零售服务, 主要销售推广艾尚无线鼠标, 艾尚无线键盘鼠标及套装等系列产品, 本网站为大家提供一个产品交流和需求的平台, 是深圳永尚达科技的网站....www.*
- UTF-8 - 2012-01-04Startseite
[待更新] ADOPCwww.adopc*.de
- UTF-8 - 2013-07-29LED Light Bar...
[待更新] Technlogy Co., srl di Shenzhen Zhimeson è uno dei principali produttori e fornitori di Cina LED lampadina, la nostra fabbrica professio...www.cnzhimes*
- UTF-8 - 2016-10-14