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反馈信息: 孙悟空-简体中文 - 访问网站
I was browsing your site and was impressed by its rich and comprehensive content. It's apparent that you put much thought and effort into it, and offer your audience great value.
I'm working with a high-quality gaming site, and we're looking for equally professional sites with which to cooperate.
I was wondering whether it would be possible to buy a sponsored post on your site. We have top-notch writers working with us, who can supply your site with additional appealing and crowd-drawing content. If you're interested, I'd be glad to send you examples of their work.
Alternately, we would be glad to buy an advertising space on your site swkong.com .
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any question you might have.
Looking forward for your response.
Valerie Lewitt
反馈信息: 孙悟空-简体中文 - 访问网站
I found your site (http://www.swkong.com/) while looking for potential placements to be able to try to obtain a blog posting opportunity and would like to know whether you offer any form of advertising on your site?
I would be looking to promote a site which is relevant to the niche that your website covers, so the placement would be related to your visitors, so I hope to be able to work something out with you regarding a placement depending on whether this would be something that you would be interested in?
Thanks for your time, I know that you will be busy, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Sue Walker