其他 Others

Hotels & Serviced Residences Singapore
Featuring hotels and serviced residences in Singapore and Malaysia. Welcome to our hotel group in Singapore. Visit our website & book now![宾馆、餐厅] - www.farea*thospitality.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-07-09

Albert Court Village Hotel
Charming boutique hotel located on the fringe of Little India. Easy access to central district. Ideal for both business and leisure travellers. Book Now![宾馆、餐厅] - www.albertc*urt.com.sg
- UTF-8 - 2011-11-02

Sales Training...
Executive Coaching, Assessments, Corporate Coaching & Training for First-Class Leadership and Sales in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore, Bangkok, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Taipei Beijing, Shenzhen, Seoul, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Sydney, Melbourne and Asia-Pacific.[教育、培训] - www.progres*u.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-06-09

Singapore 2
World Architecture Festival, the annual event for architects worldwide. At the heart of the Architecture Festival, WAF, is the largest architectural awards programme in the world.[创意设计] - www.worldarchit*cturefestival.com
- UTF-8 - 2013-10-24

Singapore Institute of Architects
A national organization representing architects in Singapore including information on career prospects, design reviews, competitions, events and awards.[创意设计] - www.sia*.org.sg
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[地区合作] - www.*edas.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-11-06
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