[Sell Offer]The following message about gsm was posted by King Pigeon GSM Alarm Ltd. machaoshan07/11/2010
Last modified: 2010-07-11 12:22:18machaoshan (113.90.54.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Security - > Burglarproof - King Pigeon GSM Alarm Ltd. - New GSM Alarm in 2010, King Pigeon S100
Full Name: machaoshan Email: kinggsmalarm@gmail.com Mobile: 008613570810254 Company: King Pigeon GSM Alarm Ltd. Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: http://www.gsmalarmsystem.com Period of validity: 999 days
GSM 3G 4G SMS Controllers
GSM 3G 4G Alarms, GSM SMS Home Alarm System, GSM 3G Senior Telecare, GSM 3G Telehealth, GSM 3G 4G SMS Controller, GSM RTU, GPRS 3G RTU, GSM M2M, GPRS 3G M2M manufacturer![Alarm] -
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