[Sell Offer]The following message about ink was posted by Super green international Marina wong02/19/2012
Last modified: 2012-02-19 19:56:45Marina wong (49.74.82.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Office Supplies - > Printer - Super green international - Toner cartridges, ink toner cartridges
Full Name: Marina wong Email: marina@sgtoners.com Mobile: N/A Company: Super green international Telephone: 02584862595 Address: xiaguan area, nanjing, jiangsu Postcode: 210000 Website: www.sgtoners.com Period of validity: 360 days Related seek: Office Supplies - Others - Education Tools - Telephones - Graph Plotter - Paper - Office Furniture - Fax Machines - Attendance Calculator - Printer - Consumable - Shredders and Cutters - Office Supplies Agents - Stationery - Copiers - Switchboard - Video conferencing - Education Appliances