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[供应信息]主题:oil   发布者:Chongqing TOP Oil Purifier Manufacture Co., Ltd Jason Wang
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Black Engine Oil Purifier

Mr Jason Wang:8615215071486 86-23-68677712 86-23-88901306

Skype: dadawandouge MSN:wandouge

You are welcome to visit our web site: www. topoilpurifier.com

The whole TPR equipment has no filter element (strainer) or filter paper (or fabric), and it’s not centrifugal effect either, it adopts the world’s leading technology, the

Magnetic Filtration technology. Feeding and trashing by one-touch mode, it has the specialty of easier operation, faster and smoother oil drain, thorougher purifying,

lower cost, lower labor intensity and etc... Its proprietary components are maintenance free in its whole life (without dismantling and evidence by seals), it completely

resolve the plight for all kinds of industrial oil pollution, and it gets rid of the embarrassment in decades of history such as: couldn’t filtrate the oxydic impurities by

using filter element (strainer) or vacuum oil purifier (black oil in but black oil out), filtered oil couldn’t be used, displaced the filter element (strainer) or filter paper (fabric)

frequently, the cleanliness of oil after filtered by old oil purifier was same as the oil before filtration, high cost but low efficiency.

Chongqing TOP Oil Purifier Manufacture Co., Ltd
No. 11 zhangping street, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing, China
最后更新: 2013-08-07 11:25:08
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