[产品库]主题:密封圈英文 发布者:广东东莞市东晟密封件科技有限公司 东晟密封
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密封行业专业术语汇总 - 中英文对照资料
Sealing Industry Glossary Summary - (Chinese & English)
资料来源:广东东晟密封件圈科技有限公司 -
From: Dongguan DSH Seals Technology Co., Ltd -
密封圈Seal ring
橡胶密封圈Rubber ring
硅胶密封圈Silicone seal
o型密封圈规格O-ring dimension
进口密封圈Imported seal
耐高温密封圈High temperature resistance seal
氟胶密封圈Viton seal
氟橡胶密封圈FKM seal
o型橡胶密封圈O-ring viton seal
气缸密封圈Cylinder seal
硅橡胶密封圈Silicone rubber seal
耐高温o型密封圈High temperature resistance O-ring
密封圈规格Seal specification
密封圈材料Seal material
保鲜盒密封圈Crisper seal
密封圈标准Seal standard
y型密封圈规格Y-ring standards
v型密封圈标准V-ring standards
石墨密封圈Graphite seal ring
j型密封圈J-shaped seal
v型组合密封圈V-shaped combination seal
密封圈型号Seal ring model
yx密封圈规格Yx ring seal specification
密封圈英文Seal ring in English
唇形密封圈规格Lip seal specification
进口o型密封圈Imported O-ring
橡胶密封圈规格Rubber seal specification
c型密封圈C-ring seal
l型密封圈I-ring seal
y形密封圈Y-ring seal
o型密封圈规格表O-ring size table
u型密封圈规格U-ring specification
v型橡胶密封圈V-shaped rubber seal
密封圈的规格Seal ring specification
密封圈规格查询Seal specification search
椭圆形密封圈Oval ring
v型夹布密封圈V-shaped fabric seal
密封圈规格表O-ring specification table
o密封圈规格O-ring dimension
密封圈型号查询Seal ring model search
o形密封圈规格表O-ring specification
密封圈品牌Seals Brand
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring manufacturer
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring factory
o型密封圈生产厂家O-ring manufacturer
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring factory
y型密封圈厂家Y-ring manufacturer
染缸密封圈Vat seals
0型橡胶密封圈O-ring rubber seal
组合式密封圈Combination seal
轴用v型组合密封圈Rod V-shaped combination seal
e型密封圈E-ring seal
多层次蝶阀密封圈Multi-level butterfly valve seal
d型密封圈D-ring seal
0型密封圈规格O-ring size
密封圈yccseal ring (ycc)
轴用弹簧张力密封圈Rod spring energized seal
0型密封圈材料O-ring material
青岛密封圈生产厂家Qingdao seal factory
汽车轮毂轴承密封圈Automotive wheel bearings seal
密封圈品牌Seals Brand
密封圈有胶味怎么办How shall we handle the smell of glue?
轴承密封圈Bearing seal
密封圈选型Seal selection
液压油缸密封圈Hydraulic cylinder seal
轴用密封圈Rod seal
0形密封圈O-ring seal
氟密封圈FKM seal
切口式o型密封圈Incision o-ring
密封圈用什么材料What's the material for seals?
大型密封圈Big-size seal
唇密封圈Lip seal
轴承密封圈厂家Bearing seal manufacturers
蝶阀阀芯密封圈Butterfly valve spool seal
封油密封圈材料Oil seal material
柔性防水套管密封圈Flexible waterproof casing seal
进口v型密封圈Imported V seal
进口骨架密封圈Imported framework oil seal
油压j型组合密封圈Oil pressure combination seal (J type)
密封圈用途Seal usage
轴用yx密封圈Rod seal (yx)
气缸防尘密封圈Cylinder wiper seal
气缸密封圈型油封Cylinder oil seal
丁晴橡胶密封圈NBR seal
进口唇形密封圈Imported lip seal
进口旋转密封圈Imported rotary shaft seal
进口防尘密封圈Imported wiper seal
唇形橡胶密封圈Lip rubber seal
轴密封圈Rod seal
进口气缸密封圈Imported cylinder seal
气缸用密封圈Cylinder seal
汽车密封圈的作用Automotive seals function
气缸o型密封圈Cylinder o-ring seal
气缸密封圈厂家Cylinder seal manufacturer
气缸杆密封圈Cylinder rod seal
气缸密封圈标准Cylinder seal standard
气缸用密封圈材料标准Cylinder seal material standards
气缸密封圈标准库Cylinder seal standard inventory
气缸密封圈材料Cylinder seal material
端面水封DVAEnd face seal (DVA)
端面水封DVSEnd face seal (DVS)
骨架油封OilSealFramework oil seal
夹布油封OilsealFabric oil seal
孔用组合SPGOPiston combination seal (SPGO)
孔用组合SPGWPiston combination seal (SPGW)
重载孔用组合SPGHeavy-duty piston combination seal (SPG)
轴用组合SPNORod combination seal (SPNO)
重载轴用组合SPNHeavy-duty combination seal (SPN)
轴用组合SPNSRod combination seal (SPNS)
缓冲环HBYBuffering ring (HBY)
缓冲环HBTSBuffering ring (HBTS)
防污环KZTAntifouling ring (KZT)
活塞密封鼓型圈GPiston drum seal
活塞密封山型圈SHPiston SH seal
活塞密封复合密封BMGPiston combination seal (BMG)
活塞杆密封蕾型圈NLRod bud ring(NL)
活塞杆密封蕾型圈BMNRod bud ring(BMN)
静密封哑铃状圈WLStatic Seal(WL)
等高唇轴用RodContour lip for rod
导向带Wear strips
密封件Sealing element
橡胶密封件Rubber seal
机械密封件Mechanical seals
液压密封件Hydraulic seal
进口密封件Impotred seal
泵用机械密封件Pump machinery seal
中国密封件网China Sealing Net
工程机械密封件Engineering machinery seal
密封件厂Seals factory
阀门密封件Valve seal
密封件网sealing network
水泵机械密封件Water pump machinery seal
机械密封件厂Machinery seal factory
其他密封件Related seal
汽车橡胶密封件Automotive rubber seal
求收橡胶密封件Purchase rubber seal
环球机械密封件厂Global machinery seal factory
温州市机械密封件厂Wenzhou machinery seal factory
液压支架密封件Hydraulic support seal
陶瓷机械密封件Ceramic machinery seal
液压支柱密封件Hydraulic strut seal
密封件生产厂家Seal manufacturer
液压气动密封件Hydraulic and Pneumatic seal
进口密封件价格Imported seal price
进口密封件是什么What's the imported seal?
轴承密封件Bearing seal
气动执行器密封件Pneumatic actuators seals
密封件型号Seal modle
密封件分类Seals classification
液压密封件工作原理Hydraulic seal working principle
密封件加工Seal machining
非标密封件Non-standard seal
密封件规格Seal specification
0型密封件O-ring seal
密封件制品Seal products
聚四氟乙烯制品PTFE products
盾构机密封圈Shield machine seal
油封Oil seal
TC油封TC oil seal
U型圈U-ring seal
O型圈O-rign seal
防尘圈Wiper seal
PTFE刮板PTFE scraper
V型密封圈V-ring seal
导向环Guide ring
四氟定位环Teflon locating ring
阶梯组合封Step combination seal
方型组合封Square combination seal
薄型组合封DRDThin combination seal (DRD)
阶梯组合封DSWStep combination seal (DSW)
方型组合封DSRSquare combination seal (DSR)
异型同轴密封DTDISpecial-shaped coaxial seal(DTDI)
组合密封DGDICombination seal (DGDI)
重载阶梯组合DMSSHeavy-duty step sombination seal (DMSS)
机械部标准轴用Y型圈YxdMechanical standard rod Y-ring (Yxd)
轴用U型圈DUIRod U-cup seal (DUI)
轴用双唇U型圈DURRod double lips U-cup seal (DUR)
带挡圈双唇U型圈DUCU-cup seal (DUC)
小截面U型圈DUAU-cup seal (DUA)
小截面双唇U型圈DUZU-cup seal (DUZ)
小截面带挡圈U型圈DUBU-cup seal (DUB)
具有回流效果的U型圈DULU-cup seal (DUL)
适用于斯特封沟槽的U型圈DUSU-cup seal (DUS)
方型组合圈DSFGlyd seal (DSF)
阶梯型组合DSDPiston seal (DSD)
薄型组合DPDThin combination seal (DPD)
星型组合DAQQuad combination seal (DAQ)
星型双O组合DQFCombination seal (DSP)
方型组合圈DSPCombination seal (DSP)
组合圈DDKKCombination seal (DDKK)
组合圈DKDFCombination seal (DKDF)
重载反斯特封DMKESHeavy-duty seal (DMKES)
重载格来圈DMKSHeavy-duty glyd seal (DMKS)
组合密封DGDACombination seal (DGDA)
机械部标准孔用Y型圈YxDMechanical standard rod Y-ring (YxD)
孔用U型圈DUPCombination seal (DUP)
组合圈DHDPCombination seal (DHDP)
组合圈DDASCombination seal (DDAS)
组合圈DTDACombination seal (DTDA)
U型圈DUNU-cup seal (DUN)
V型组合DVRV-packing seal (DVR)
组合防尘圈DSZScraper seal (DSZ)
薄型组合防尘圈DSZLScraper seal (DSZL)
双O组合防尘圈DPEScraper seal (DPE)
双O组合防尘圈DPRScraper seal (DPR)
马鞍型防尘DAMScraper seal (DAM)
防尘圈DAIScraper seal (DAI)
防尘圈DAHScraper seal (DAH)
防尘圈DBHScraper seal (DBH)
导向环DST1Guide ring (DST1)
导向环DST2Guide ring (DST2)
导向环DST3Guide ring (DST3)
轴用导向环DFIRod guide ring (DFI)
轴用带刮唇导向环DFAIRod guide ring with scraping lip (DFAI)
孔用导向环DFAPiston guide ring (DFA)
孔用旋转格来DNSPiston rotating glyd seal (DNS)
孔用旋转组合DRDAPiston ratating combination seal (DRDA)
轴用旋转格来DRSShaft rotating glyd seal (DRS)
轴用旋转组合DRDIShaft rotating combination seal (DRDI)
高低唇轴用RodRod seal
内侧密封InsideInside seal
外侧密封outsideOutside seal
不锈钢油封A型Stainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type A)
不锈钢油封AR/ALStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type AR/AL)
不锈钢油CStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type C)
不锈钢油封BStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type B)
不锈钢油封BR/BLStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type BR/BL)
不锈钢油封DStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type D)
不锈钢油封LStainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type L)
不锈钢油封LB型Stainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type LB)
不绣钢油封LC型Stainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type LC)
不绣钢油封LD型Stainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type LD)
不锈钢油封LA型Stainless steel PTFE oil seal (Type LA)
PTFE油封A型PTFE oil seal (Type A)
PTFE油封B型PTFE oil seal (Type B)
PTFE油封C型PTFE oil seal (Type C)
PTFE油封D型PTFE oil seal (Type D)
PTFE油封E型PTFE oil seal (Type E)
PTFE油封F型PTFE oil seal (Type F)
PTFE油封I型PTFE oil seal (Type I)
PTFE油封J型PTFE oil seal (Type J)
PTFE油封H型PTFE oil seal (Type H)
最后更新: 2015-07-20 12:01:18