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[供应信息]主题:physiological   发布者:Huijin Trade Jessie Lin
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physiological shoes massai new balance

Sell Cheap MBT Baridi Shoes,health Mbt Shoes For Men And Women,suitable For People!

MBT Baridi Shoes are made to provide the wearer good comfort and support by utilizing an innovative technology found in the heel and sole. They are called the anti-shoe, also known as MBT shoe, which is short for Masai barefoot Technology. It is a range of footwear developed to make you better from the ground up.The women’s MBT Baridi mary-jane is an athletic shoe that truly works with your body to provide positive effects.Today, people are becoming more health conscious. MBT shoes are created with this in mind and provide several benefits that exceed expectations.

Store name:www.gr8mbtshoes.com

Contact us with msn email:gr8mbtshoes@hotmail.com

Huijin Trade
S.O Malong Road 17
最后更新: 2010-07-22 22:21:35
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    分类目录 - 服装 - > 鞋子 - Huijin Trade - Sell cheap MBT Baridi shoes,health mbt shoes for men and wom

    姓名: Jessie Lin
    电子信箱: gr8mbtshoes@hotmail.com
    手机: N/A
    公司名称: Huijin Trade
    联系电话: N/A
    详细地址: S.O Malong Road 17
    邮政编码: 361000
    有效期:60 天
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