搜索相关: 磨具、磨料 - 空气压缩、分离设备 - 畜牧业设备 - 锅炉及动力设备 - 电线电缆 - 化工设备 - 标准件 - 阀门 - 其他 - 铸锻件 - 轴承 - 齿轮、传动带 - 油封、油环 - 模具 - 链条 - 传送带、输送带 - 建筑及相关设备 - 家电制造设备 - 风机 - 电力配件与材料 - 电力控制和保护 - 电动工具 - 插座 - 数控设备 - 仪器、仪表 - 节能装置 - 发电机 - 农机、农具 - 整流器 - 渔业设备及用具 - 食品设备 - 林业设备 - 五金工具 - 蓄电池 - 配电装置 - 照明与灯具 - 工业设备代理 - 工业设备合作 - 工业设备存货 - 绝缘材料 - 轻工设备 - 机械设计加工 - 搬运机械 - 金属加工设备 - 冶金设备 - 矿业设备 - 马达 - 开关 - 其他 - 包装相关设备 - 造纸设备 - 制药设备 - 气动工具 - 印刷设备 - 泵及真空设备 - 散热、制冷设备 - 继电器 - 橡胶塑胶加工设备 - 二手机械设备 - 缝纫设备 - 纺织设备和器材 - 变压器 - 焊接设备与材料 - 木工工具 - 工业设备
2020-07-29 文章 - J1 Common Rail Injector Nozzle Tester - 仪器、仪表 - starwdh - 219.77.240.* - 访问网站
Simple operation, has a recycling bottle which can be used for recycling the oil spray
Adopts casting form production,base on the left with the fixed installation holes
Horizontal structure ...(51/1)
2020-07-29 文章 - Corner Cutting Saw - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 数控设备 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Angle code is in each corner of our house, in window, balcony, workbench, chest for example, want to be the right Angle that has 90 degrees to need to be fixed only, so can appear horn code. Use high- ...(21/1)
2020-07-28 产品库 - 西安力创材料检测技术有限公司 - 仪器、仪表 - 蔡 - 124.114.204.* - 访问网站
西安力创材料检测技术有限公司,主要从事试验机的研发、生产、销售,其主导产品系列有:疲劳试验机系列、岩土工程试验机系列、车辆动态试验机系列、材料力学试验机系列、应力腐蚀试验机系列、微机控制电液伺服疲劳试验机、微机控制动静扭转试验机、微机控制电子试验机、微机控制高温蠕变持久应力腐蚀试验机、微机控制岩土三轴试验机、汽车零部件综合试验系统等。 ...(17/1)
2020-07-28 文章 - S60h Common Rail Injector Nozzle Tester - 仪器、仪表 - cntestbench - 219.77.240.* - 访问网站
S60H--one newest type fuel injector tester, it is used to adjust and check the injection pressure, atomization quality, and leak proofers of needle valve of diesel fuel injector assembly ...(12/1)
2020-07-28 文章 - A“hole”in A Door Or Window Frame - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 数控设备 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Before the window frame is assembled, we always find various holes in the profile. What are these holes used for? It's pretty obvious that this is what we use to install locks and handles.
How do y ...(5/1)
2020-07-27 供应信息 - TX-198 Common Rail Test Bench - 数控设备 - cntestbench - 219.77.240.* - 访问网站
TX198 Expert High Pressure Common Rail Muti-function Test Bench is the universal test equipment that integrates electronic control high pressure common rail pumps, common rail, diesel in ...(14/1)
2020-07-27 供应信息 - What Is The Use Of Paraffin Wax? - 数控设备 - dongkepce - 219.77.240.* - 访问网站
Paraffin wax (or petroleum wax) is a soft colorless solid derived from petroleum, coal or shale oil that consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules containing between twenty and forty carbon atoms ...(5/1)
2020-07-27 供应信息 - How Much Does Superplasticizer Cost ? - 数控设备 - dongkepce - 219.77.240.* - 访问网站
Polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer is a third-generation high-performance superplasticizer developed after ordinary superplasticizer represented by wood calcium and superplasticizer represented by n ...(10/1)
2020-07-27 文章 - Aluminum Window Processing Equipment –corner Crimping Machine - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 数控设备 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Corner crimping machine is a special equipment for the production of high grade aluminum alloy doors and Windows on broken bridge. Some areas are also called corner extruders, corner crashers, corner ...(11/1)
2020-07-23 产品库 - 水磨石机结构及性能-12头地坪研磨机 - 磨具、磨料 - 2头地坪研磨机 - 49.89.131.* - 访问网站
水磨石机是电动机通过齿轮减快件和挠性联轴器带动磨盘旋转。(环氧地坪打磨机)减快件的箱壳与机架连在一起,机架下方装有两个轮子,整机的重心在两轮的前方,借机重使磨盘着地,并保证与地坪面有一定的压力,以获得良好的磨削效果,提高磨削速度。转移时,将整机的重心倾移到轮子上,可以随意拖动。圆形的磨盘上一般装有三个砂磨块,用斜楔固定,便于装拆更换。挠性联轴器装在减快件输出轴与磨盘之间,既能传递扭矩,又能让磨盘随 ...(26/1)