搜索相关: 辅料、饰品 - 服装代理 - 服装设计加工 - 服装项目合作 - 库存服装 - 运动服饰 - 婚纱、礼服 - 儿童服装 - 羽绒服装 - 民族服装 - 鞋子 - 手套 - 帽子 - 婴儿服装 - 夹克 - 牛仔服装 - 皮革服装 - 休闲服装 - 领带 - 其他 - 外衣、外套 - 大衣、风衣 - 裤子 - 相关设备 - 围巾 - 缝纫设备 - 衬衣 - 丝绸服装 - 袜子 - 特制服装 - 西服 - 毛衣 - T 恤 - 内衣、睡衣 - 工作服、制服 - 服装
2011-09-20 供应信息 - OEM Cotton T-shirt, Good Quality Polo T-shirt ,cheap Polo T-shirt - Lidafashion - T 恤 - - Kelly - 222.221.250.* - 访问网站
1) Our products are popular all over the world with TOP quality,competitive price and efficient service
2) Various designs,style,colors and materials for your free choice!
3) More payment method f ...(113/1)
2011-09-09 供应信息 - 2011ESPOLO新款 夏韩版男短袖T恤 - 贝利诗登男装 - T 恤 - - 贝贝 - 219.137.33.*
此款T恤采用进口技术烫胶印,高成本透气水印制成,耐麿不易退色,呈现柔滑舒适的立体手感,非常环保。单穿显简洁大方,令人惊喜的是可搭配衬衫展现多种造型穿搭风采,随意显个性风尚。 ...(67/1)
2011-09-06 供应信息 - 批发t恤,定制t恤,定做t恤,现货t恤,外贸t恤 - 上海象羽服饰有限公司 - T 恤 - - 杨正一 - 180.157.83.* - 访问网站
上海象羽针织服饰有限公司专业定做T恤,T恤衫,POLO衫,广告衫,文化衫,上海广告衫,定做广告衫,现货广告衫,现货文化衫,上海文化衫,长袖t恤,短袖t恤,上海t恤,苏州t恤,南京t恤,北京t恤,广东t恤,广州t恤,深圳t恤,纯色t恤,时尚t恤,广告衫,翻领T恤,现货t恤,库存t恤,圆领T恤,全棉T恤,精梳T恤,丝光棉T恤,定做T恤,定制T恤,定做广告衫,定制广告衫,定做POLO衫,定制POLO衫, ...(57/2)
2011-09-06 供应信息 - 定做t恤,定制 T恤,现货t恤,团购t恤,广告t恤,现货t恤 - 上海象羽服饰有限公司 - T 恤 - - 杨正一 - 180.157.83.* - 访问网站
上海象羽服饰有限公司是集织造、印染、制衣为一体的企业。主要生产T恤、T恤衫、POLO衫、广告衫、文化衫、工作服、制服、广告帽、棒球帽等十几大系列数百款式的服装。采取现货销售和来样定做相结合的经营方式。各种颜色面料的文化衫、广告衫、T恤衫备有大量现货,并可根据客户的需要迅速打样。专业为广大企事业单位、礼品公司、广告公司服务。 ...(64/1)
2011-07-19 供应信息 - Sweater,Coat Jacket Ts Ts Women,Long Sleeve Shirts,Bikini Swims - T 恤 - - KAREN - 119.62.56.*
Happy summer, sunglass,t-shirt , Jewelry,caps, slipper, bikini also coming. A&F Couple T-Shirt has show on the website, it’s so many styles and colour, just you want, you can find one style
Suit you ...(24/1)
2011-07-16 供应信息 - Sweater,Coat Jacket Ts Ts Women,Long Sleeve Shirts,Bikini Swims - T 恤 - - KAREN - 119.62.56.*
A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend, for his kindness to those who waited on his instructions. A ...(92/1)
2011-07-15 求购信息 - 采购:全棉翻领色织T恤衫 - 中国安徽省合肥市泰嘉进出口贸易有限公司 - T 恤 - 唐小姐 - 114.96.151.*
采购:全棉翻领色织T恤衫,采购量:72000件,材料:丝光棉,价格:工厂依据市场行情及本企业生产技术条件自报合理价并报样,订单货期:180 -150天,派员跟单,每30-45天交一次货,出货地:工厂所在地的就近外运港口,合作关系确立后可预付总额20-30%定金给工厂,先款后货,生产厂地验收、结算、余款出货前付清。有合作意愿的工厂需了解主要规格、型号及技术要求供报价参考,请致电联络,也可直接来我司面 ...(51/1)
2011-07-15 供应信息 - Sweater,Coat Jacket Ts Ts Women,Long Sleeve Shirts,Bikini Swims - T 恤 - - KAREN - 119.62.57.*
f ever the scene had been set, this was it.
A week in Paris. He is strikingly handsome with his classic Californian good looks and a smile that could melt butter, and I am probably at my physical p ...(85/1)
2011-07-15 供应信息 - Chloe Wallet ,DG Wallet ,Cocah Wallet ,Gucci Wallet,Guess Wallet ,Men Wallet - T 恤 - - KAREN - 119.62.57.*
A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and lay around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow... He loved the tree and t ...(81/1)
2011-07-13 供应信息 - Football Clothing And Athletic Clothing. - T 恤 - - KAREN - 182.245.31.*
joylinetrade Co., Ltd from china
our company, founded in 2005, has experienced is a win-win situation and the strength of the trading company. Major wholesale: nike shoes, Adidas shoes, Jordan shoes, ...(64/1)