搜索相关: 辅料、饰品 - 服装代理 - 服装设计加工 - 服装项目合作 - 库存服装 - 运动服饰 - 婚纱、礼服 - 儿童服装 - 羽绒服装 - 民族服装 - 鞋子 - 手套 - 帽子 - 婴儿服装 - 夹克 - 牛仔服装 - 皮革服装 - 休闲服装 - 领带 - 其他 - 外衣、外套 - 大衣、风衣 - 裤子 - 相关设备 - 围巾 - 缝纫设备 - 衬衣 - 丝绸服装 - 袜子 - 特制服装 - 西服 - 毛衣 - T 恤 - 内衣、睡衣 - 工作服、制服 - 服装
2010-07-19 供应信息 - 供应定做西服 上海西装 高级西装定制 - 上海朗仕恩西服有限公司 - 西服 - - 苏昶 - 58.240.225.*
欢迎致电您的业务专员,定制一套完全属于您的服装! ...(21/1)
2010-07-19 供应信息 - 专业西服厂家提供量体定制服装 订做职业西服 企业西装 商务正装 - 上海朗仕恩西服有限公司 - 西服 - - 苏昶 - 58.240.225.* - 访问网站
企事业单位定制“朗仕恩”西服,不仅可以由设计师独家设计,专业员工全手工缝制,还可根据企业实际需要不断进行细节调整,领子、前胸、口袋……每一个细节都体现品质的灵魂,每一道工序精工细作,一丝不苟,保证着每一款都精致无暇。 ...(14/1)
2010-07-19 供应信息 - Cheaper Womens Tshirts - T 恤 - - Ada Zheng - 222.76.163.* - 访问网站
these tshirts are high quality but low price,you will be interested in these goods and pls contact us
website is www etopdesigner com
email is etopdesigner@hotmail.com ...(86/1)
2010-07-17 供应信息 - 2010 World Cup Jerseys - 运动服饰 - - Ada Zheng - 121.204.210.* - 访问网站
Brand: NBA jersey NFL jersey,football jersey, soccer jersey, polo t-shirt , nike t-shirt, A&F shirt, , BBC shirts ED hardy shirt,BAPE HOODIES , Juicy, PRADA COAT ,kids jersey, Versace jacket
Size: L ...(15/1)
2010-07-17 供应信息 - Successful Mens Necktie - 领带 - - Zora Zheng - 222.76.165.*
We wholesale brand name necktie. Our products are of very high quality and we have a great variety for you to choose from. If you are interested in our products we can quote you very reasonable prices ...(148/1)
2010-07-17 供应信息 - Hot Selling MBT Health Shoes - 鞋子 - - chenlong - 218.86.50.*
kongfushoes Co.,ltd are professional wholesale of the sport shoes in china. Our main products are including full range some other brands of ... .The shoes from us are authentic quality & original bo ...(13/1)
2010-07-16 供应信息 - Fashionable Haps - 帽子 - - Ada Zheng - 222.76.163.* - 访问网站
we have our own manufacture and factory,we produce many kinds of products,and the fashinable haps are high quality and low prices,if you want to know more about our company pls feel free to contact us ...(30/1)
2010-07-16 供应信息 - Casual Mens T-shirts - T 恤 - - Ada Zheng - 222.76.163.* - 访问网站
our company can offer high quality tshirts and thier prices are reasonable.if you are interested in our prodcuts pls feel free to contact us.
and our website is www etopdesigner com
and email is e ...(84/1)
2010-07-16 供应信息 - 2010 Fashion Soccer Jerseys - 运动服饰 - - Ada Zheng - 222.76.163.* - 访问网站
Size: L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL.
Payment: western union/money gram/ T/T
Packing: all the products are packed with original boxes and tags also retro cards/ code numder
Shipment: EMS/TNT/DHL/Fedex fast ...(19/1)
2010-07-16 供应信息 - The Beautity Womens Underwear - 辅料、饰品 - - Ada Zheng - 222.76.163.* - 访问网站
Payment: western union/money gram/ T/T
Packing: all the products are packed with original boxes and tags also retro cards/ code numder
Shipment: EMS/TNT/DHL/Fedex fast deliver
Shipping Time: 5 b ...(57/1)