2020-09-12 服务项目 - 调音台中的高中低—舞台灯光音响租赁 - 其他 - 舞台灯光音响租赁 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
调音台在输入通道数方面、面板功能键的数量方面以及输出指示等方面都存在差异,其实,掌握使用调音台 ...(3/1)
2020-09-12 产品库 - 酚醛风管7大优势—风管加工厂 - 空调 - 风管加工厂 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
酚醛树脂是世界上至早工业化的塑料产品,而酚醛泡沫塑料则是刚刚开发成功的品种。(不锈钢风管加工)酚醛泡沫塑料被称为“保温之王”,早期应用于导弹及火箭头的保温,它在美国、英国、日本等一些发达国家已成为塑料中发展至快的品种。酚醛泡沫材料具有阻燃性能好,导热系数小,吸声性能优良,使用年限长。由于酚醛泡沫材料具有以上优越特性,因此在国民经济各个方面得到了广泛的应用,如中央空调风管、冷热输送管道、洁净厂房、商 ...(12/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - Silicon Oil Fan Clutch - 汽车配件 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
The fan speed is lower than the drive shaft, which will cause a great impact on the connection parts. The diameter of the heavy truck fan It is very large, and the inertia is also large. The fan follo ...(97/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - What Is Stretch Wrap? - 国际网路 - cnlyrpacking - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
Stretch wrap is a polyethylene plastic generally used to hold boxes on a pallet for transport. Stretch wrap is pulled around the load and stretched. The plastic has a memory and wants to return to its ...(14/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - Self Tapping Screw Thread Type - 标准件 - starwdh - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
The head of the self-tapping screw is pointed and can be used normally without drilling. Widely used in doors and windows and iron sheet. So do you know what are the forms of self-tapping screws? Let’ ...(14/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - Water Reducing Grade DK-100 - 催化剂及化学助剂 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
DK-100 is a specifically designed polycarboxylate superplasticizer which owns excellent dispersion performance while maintaining good retention effects due to our cutting-edge processing technique; it ...(8/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - CRS-728C Multifunctional Common Rail Test Bench - 其他 - cntestbench - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
CRS-728C multifunctional common rail test bench is special device to test the performance of high-pressure common rail pump and injector , include piezo injector. With optional EUI/EUP, ...(39/1)
2020-09-12 供应信息 - Insulating Glass Production Line - 其他 - glasswindowequipment - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
Insulating glass production line
Function and advantage of Care insulating glass production line
Europe design concept, easy and intelligent operation;
World famous brands of key components, ensu ...(36/1)
2020-09-12 服务项目 - 钢结构厂房安全检测内容—钢结构检测 - 其他 - 钢结构检测 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
1、调查厂房的建筑布局,并与现存的原设计图纸进行对 ...(4/1)
2020-09-12 服务项目 - 厨房改造四大指南及预算—上海旧房翻新 - 工程承包 - 上海旧房翻新 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
本公司为消费者提供的全程无胶水、无甲醛的涂料施工服务,包括通用墙面基层检测、墙面涂刷和厨房卫生间翻新涂刷。 (上海旧房翻新)我们主要是帮助用户翻新旧房及二手房翻新改造,服务项目包括解决墙面裂纹、污渍、起皮、发霉、泛碱等问题,轻松更换墙面颜色, 提供艺术漆施工。
对于电饭煲、微波炉等体积小、不占空间的厨房 ...(9/1)