2019-01-23 供应信息 - Cell Adhesion Molecules - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
Cell adhesion molecules play an important role in recruiting leukocyte molecules to sites of inflammation. There are many ELISA tests that are available which can be used for detection and analysis of ...(95/1)
2019-01-23 供应信息 - Diabetes - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
Diabetes can be described as a group of metabolic disorders which are caused by prolonged periods of high blood sugar levels and if it is left untreated, this can lead to many complications. Some of t ...(66/1)
2019-01-23 供应信息 - Growth Factors - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
Growth factor signalling processes can be responsible for many cellular actions such as proliferation, differentiation and cell survival. Also, a large number of these are instrumental in the formatio ...(99/1)
2019-01-23 供应信息 - Nephrology - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
The field of nephrology deals with the process of diagnosing and managing the various diseases which are known to affect how the kidneys function. Many of these diseases are often related to high bloo ...(43/1)
2019-01-23 供应信息 - Bone And Mineral Metabolism - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
Bone and mineral metabolism tests are designed to measure the activity of a number of different hormones which function in the process of bone formation. For example: vitamin D, osteoclacin, parathorm ...(40/1)
2019-01-23 供应信息 - Thyroid Function Tests - BioSupply UK - 生物工程 - Paul Dee - 94.12.42.*
Thyroid diseases can be detected using a number of different thyroid function test. The results from these tests can then be analysed by the doctor, so that he can decide on the best form of treatment ...(36/1)
2019-01-23 招商合作 - 万和空气能招商代理:空气能原理是什么? - 空调 - 唐毓幸 - 113.77.194.*
高沸点的冷媒进入冷凝器开始 ...(12/1)
2019-01-23 产品库 - 万和空气能招商代理:空气能热水器怎么选? - 热水器 - 唐毓幸 - 113.77.194.*
空气能热水器的工作原理:空气能热水器的工作原理是逆卡诺原理。也就是说是空调制冷的逆原理,主要是通过系统内的氟循环把空气中的热量搬运到水里面,从而把水温加高。因为冷媒氟利昂能在零下20度时汽化,从而吸取空气中的热量,经压缩 ...(9/1)
2019-01-23 产品库 - 万和空气能招商代理:空气能哪个牌子好? - 热水器 - 唐毓幸 - 113.77.194.*
第二.看压缩机,目前广东万和空气能用的是喷气增焓压缩机:采用单压缩机涡旋双级压缩的EVI压缩方式,在超低温的室外环境温度下平衡压缩比,零下三十度仍能保持高能效稳定运行。 ...(14/1)
2019-01-23 服务项目 - 什么是全瓷牙贴面?影响全瓷牙贴面价格的因素 - 医疗服务 - minish牙科 - 113.77.194.* - 访问网站
所谓牙贴面,在口腔美容整形方面来说,就是一种有效的修复牙齿的美容方式,具体的就是用专用于牙齿的染色材料附染在牙齿的表面上, ...(5/1)