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  • 修改这篇文章 2024-06-26 服务项目 - 幕墙玻璃的清洗工作显得尤为重要-上海高空外墙清洗 - 家政、保洁 - 上海高空外墙清洗 - 58.241.254.*
    在现代化的城市中,高楼大厦如雨后春笋般拔地而起,其中幕墙玻璃作为建筑的外衣,不仅美观大方,更是展现城市风貌的重要元素。然而,随着时间的推移,幕墙玻璃会逐渐积累灰尘、污垢,甚至出现水渍、油渍等问题,这不仅影响了建筑的美观,还可能对室内光线和视野造成影响。因此,幕墙玻璃的清洗工作显得尤为重要_上海幕墙玻璃清洗公司小编来为大家娓娓道来: 第一: 幕墙玻璃清洗能够恢复建筑的原有风貌。经过 ...(1/1)
  • Cocoa items修改这篇文章 2024-06-25 供应信息 - Cocoa Items - CV. Starindo Gemilang - 其他 - - Ferry Handjojo - 182.2.137.*
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 180500) We would like to offer: Cocoa items. Consist of: cocoa liquor (natural), cocoa butter (non-deodorized), natural cocoa cake, natural cocoa powder, alkalized cocoa powder. F ...(14/1)
  • Crude Palm Oil修改这篇文章 2024-06-23 - Crude Palm Oil - CV. Starindo Gemilang - 动植物油 - - Ferry Handjojo - 114.4.212.*
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 151110) We would like to offer: crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives products. From this CPO, besides we can produce palm olein which is suitable for making: cooking oil, marg ...(/)
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