文章 - Superplasticizer Monomer LPEG Slump Retention F-2089 - 催化剂及化学助剂 - dongkepce - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
This product is soluble in water and various organic solvents and it is an important raw material for a new generation of polycarboxylic acid water reducer. The high-performance polycarboxylic acid wa ...(50/1)
文章 - Paraffin Wax Price? - 石蜡 - dkwax - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
As the largest refining and chemical company of PetroChina, Fushun Petrochemical has always been the largest domestic paraffin wax production and export base. Various technical and economic indicators ...(36/1)
文章 - Mc11.national Engines - 国际网路 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
Mc11.32-40 national engines
Engine model :Mc11.32-40 / in-line six
Cylinder number of valves: 4
Cylinder diameter X stroke (mm) 120X155
Displacement (L) 10.518
Mc11.32-40 national engines Param ...(76/1)
文章 - Difference Between Round Head Screws And Pan Head Screws - 标准件 - starwdh - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
Pan-head screws and round-head screws are often difficult to distinguish because of their similar appearances. In fact, different screw head types have different uses. Below we introduce the differenc ...(16/1)
服务项目 - 冬天怎样扫雪—生活垃圾清运 - 下水管道 - 生活垃圾清运 - 122.195.181.*
雪灾是因降雪导致大范围积雪、暴风雪、雪崩,严重影响人畜生存与健康,(建筑垃圾清运)或对交通、电力、通信系统等造成损害的自然灾害。作为我国主要自然灾害之一,雪灾年年发生,严重威胁人民的生命财产和正常生活秩序。根据雪灾的形成条件、分布范围和表现形式,雪灾类型普遍被分为雪崩、风吹雪( 风雪流) 和牧区雪灾。
其中,雪崩是雪山地区易发的灾害,风吹雪则会阻断公路交通的正常通行。牧区雪灾是由于积雪过厚, ...(30/2)
文章 - EV Charger Male High Voltage Connector DC Plug - 端子、连接器 - Alice Dai - 207.46.227.*
Temperature: -55℃∽ +125℃
Rated Current: 120A
Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ
Dielectric Withstand Voltage: 3000VDC
Mechanical Life: 500 times
Salt Spray: 48 hours
Ingress Protection: ...(17/1)
文章 - Hot Sale China Kunlun Paraffin Wax Msds - 石油及制品 - Alice Dai - 207.46.227.* - 访问网站
When it refers to paraffin wax, we can not talk about China Kunlun paraffin wax. As we know ,kunlun paraffin wax comes from PetroChina and Sinopec, two giant Chinese state-owned companies . Kunlun bra ...(40/1)
产品库 - 琉璃瓦保存注意事项—水泥瓦生产厂家 - 其他 - 水泥瓦生产厂家 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
琉璃瓦是中国传统的建筑材料,用优质粘土塑制du成型后烧成,(瓦片批发厂家)表面上釉,釉的颜色有黄、绿、黑、蓝、紫等色,富丽堂皇,经久耐用。琉璃瓦多用于民族色彩的宫殿式大屋顶建筑中。华东地区也叫树脂瓦、通过造型设计,已制成的有花窗、栏杆等琉璃制品,广泛用于庭院装饰、平改坡、钢结构工程中。中国早在南北朝时期就在建筑上使用琉璃瓦件作为装饰物,到元代时皇宫建筑大规模使用琉璃瓦,明代十三陵与九龙壁都是琉璃瓦 ...(10/1)
服务项目 - 阁楼装修需要注意问题—上海房屋翻新 - 建筑装饰设计 - 上海房屋翻新 - 122.195.181.* - 访问网站
在业角的眼中,顶层阁楼的缺点相当明显,比如空间不规则、空间矮小,但在设计师眼中,这些缺点正是其魅力所在。一旦合理利用这些“缺点”,其空间的变化会更为丰富。但设计施工原则是:千万不要破坏阁楼的原有结构,通风、采光、防 ...(14/2)
产品库 - An Overview Of Guardrail Installation - 交通安全 - ChinaTrafficGuardrai - 222.135.75.* - 访问网站
The consequences of not having guardrails on major roads are better left imagined; they provide much needed safety to pedestrians plying such roads.Guardrails are safety borders erected to prevent or ...(48/1)