2020-07-03 服务项目 - 关于微信小程序开发对企业的作用 - 软件 - 链讯科技 - 14.217.201.*
潜在性的客户群体是必须根据人们的挖掘,才可以将其转换为人们的总体目 ...(38/1)
2020-07-03 服务项目 - 软氮化白亮层优点及控制_真空淬火 - 其他 - 真空淬火 - 112.83.239.* - 访问网站
软氮化方法分为气体软氮化和液体软氮化两大类。国内生产中应用至广泛的是气体软氮化。(不锈钢发黑)气体软软氮化是在含有碳、氮原子的气氛中进行低温氮、碳共渗,常用用的共渗介质有尿素、甲酰胺和TEA,它们在软氮化温度下发生热分解反应,产生活碳、氮原子。活性碳、氮原子被工件表面吸收,通过扩散渗入工件表层,从而获得以氮为主的碳氮共渗层。Fe-C-N系的共析温度约为565℃,在此温度时,氮在a-Fe中具有至大溶 ...(16/1)
2020-07-03 文章 - Superiority Of High Pressure Common Rail - 济南泰西国际贸易有限公司 - 数控设备 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 访问网站
The common rail system is the main application of the high pressure common rail test bench, and the diesel injection system is corresponding to it. So what are the differences between the two systems? ...(22/1)
2020-07-03 服务项目 - 双温冷库设计特点_上海冷冻设备安装 - 其他 - 冷库设计施工 - 112.83.239.* - 访问网站
双温冷库是指在一套冷库中加隔板分为两个不同温度的单间,并分别安装两套库门,(上海冷库安装)根据贮存食品的需要,设计不同温度,能够同时实现保鲜和冷藏的功能,制冷机组用一台集中供冷,两套库内蒸发器同时制冷,温度控制系统能独立显示控制每间不同的温度,因采用一机双控系统控制两间温度,当一间温度达到设定要求控制系统才关闭此间制冷,直到另一间温度也达到设定要求制冷机组才停止工作,开机前哪间温度先达到设定要求自 ...(8/1)
2020-07-02 公司库 - Pharmacovigilance Literature Search Services - Pepgra - 制药设备 - pepgra healthcare - 106.208.130.*
Pepgra provide pharmacovigilance consulting Services provider and Medical Literature review search as part of the drug safety and consulting firms services ...(50/1)
2020-07-02 公司库 - Pharmacovigilance Literature Search Services - Pepgra - 国际网路 - pepgra healthcare - 106.208.130.*
Pepgra provide pharmacovigilance consulting Services provider and Medical Literature review search as part of the drug safety and consulting firms services
Contact Us :
Website - https://bit.ly ...(49/1)
2020-07-02 文章 - Injection Pump Test Bench - 济南泰西国际贸易有限公司 - 数控设备 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 访问网站
The function of the injection pump test bench is to test and adjust the fuel injection quantity of the fuel injection pump at the calibrated rotation speed, corrected rotation speed, idle speed, and s ...(14/1)
2020-07-02 文章 - Why You Need To Go For Black Paper Doilies In Your Events - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 轻工设备 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 访问网站
Why You Need To Go For Black Paper Doilies In Your Events
When it comes to creating the perfect environment and ambiance for your events or home, you cannot overlook the importance of the black paper ...(71/1)
2020-07-02 文章 - Tips For Glass Washing And Basics Of Glass Washing Machines - Shandong Care Machinery Technology Co., Ltd - 数控设备 - Cindy - 42.200.238.* - 访问网站
Glass washing machines are used for washing glass surfaces like windows and doors. In addition to washing the Glass, the device is also used to dry the Glass. Also, the machines can be used to clean b ...(32/1)
2020-07-02 服务项目 - 铝艺门液压合页天地轴优缺点 - 门窗 - 铝艺门 - 112.83.239.* - 访问网站
液压合页不仅能自动闭门,且闭门速度还可根据自己的需求调节关门的快慢 ...(146/2)