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Mining & Metallurgy 冶金矿产

 Robert Zhao  居广雨  曹经理  崔经理  王经理 

  • americantube.com

    Stainless Steel Tubing...

      ::0American Tube Technology is a mill manufacturer of the highest quality tight tolerance stainless steel and specialty alloy tubing. Contact us today!

    [管件、管材] - www.americantube.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-24

  • amindustriesinc.com

    AM Industries


    [管件、管材] - www.amindustriesinc.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-22

  • amipipe.com

    AMI Pipe Supply


    [管件、管材] - www.am*pipe.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-22

  • allmetalsales.com

    Stainless Steel...

      ::0All Metal Sales Corp is one of the top metal suppliers for Aluminum, Brass, Copper and Stainless Steel. Discounted levels. We are your direct mill source and warehouse provider.

    [管件、管材] - www.allmetalsales.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-22

  • advancedpiping.net

    Advanced Piping

      ::0Advanced Piping, Inc. brings more than 30 years of experience to your underground utility repair or installation project. Tony and his courteous staff will answer all of your questions; and you'll relax knowing that your work is being done by excavating professionals who know the local codes and procedures, wherever your job is in the Rochester or Monroe County area. Call***

    [管件、管材] - www.advancedpiping.net - UTF-8 - 2024-10-21

  • alloyandstainlesspiping.com

    Alloy and Stainles Piping


    [管件、管材] - www.alloy*ndstainlesspiping.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-21

  • wheeler-con.com



    [钢铁] - www.w*eeler-con.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-20

  • airpartsinc.com

    Aircraft and Vintage camper building supplies...

      ::0Airparts Inc is your best source for aircraft and Airstream aluminum. We specialize in aluminum sheet and coil in 2024T3, 6061T6, 5052, and 3003. We a

    [管件、管材] - www.airpartsinc.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-20

  • aggressivetube.com

    Aggressive Tube Bending – The Merc...


    [管件、管材] - www.aggressi*etube.com - UTF-8 - 2024-10-20

  • suiansw.com

    App Store

       [待审] 谈球吧, 谈球吧app, 谈球吧网站, 谈球吧登录入口✅集于全球火爆的游戏于一体的大型平台, 让每位玩家玩出至有价值的游戏体验!!

    [金属丝网] - suiansw.c*m - UTF-8 - 2024-10-20

  • antengsiwang.com


       [待更新] 安腾丝网专业生产各类各种规格勾花网、铁丝网、围栏网、铁丝网围栏,并提供上门安装、维修等服务,真正厂家直贩,低碳不低质。

    [金属丝网] - www.an*engsiwang.com - UTF-8 - 2015-10-16

  • hnxnjx.com.cn


       [待更新] 河南郑州至专业生产球磨机, 烘干机厂家巩义市兴农机械制造有限公司,专业生产球磨机, 烘干机, 回转窑, 磁选机, 浮选机, 煤泥烘干机, 河沙子烘干机等选矿设备;至新的技术、可靠的质量、优惠的价格、一切以用户为中心, 推进用户满意工程, 可按您的需要定作各种型号的选矿设备.联系电话:**...

    [矿业设备] - www.*nxnjx.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2016-07-16

  • rdnhb.com


       [待更新] 天津德润兴达主营Q235NH耐候板|Q355NH耐候板|Q355GNH耐候板|09CuPCrNi-A耐候板, 提供2016至新至全耐候板价格, 库存千吨, 规格齐全, 天津地区官方推荐企业!欢迎洽谈.

    [钢铁] - www.rdnhb*.com - GBK - 2016-01-31

  • cqnhgb.com


       [待更新] 考登钢板批发, 重庆耐磨板生产厂家-重庆昌润金属材料有限公司生产考登钢板, 重庆耐磨板, 高频焊接H型钢, 锈蚀钢板, 高强板, 质优价廉, 量大从优, 耐磨板采购热线***.

    [钢铁] - www.c*nhgb.com - UTF-8 - 2019-01-06

  • colorbond.com

    COLORBOND® steel...

      ::1Designed and tested for our unique environment in a range of colours that beautifully complement it, COLORBOND® steel is the perfect finish for your family home.

    [钢铁] - www.colorbond.com - UTF-8 - 2023-12-23

  • steelorbis.com

    steel price news...

       [待更新] SteelOrbis provides steel prices and steel price index, steel price news, daily steel price reports, steel price graphs, steel price charts, and historical steel prices. Steel Orbis also provides daily steel news and steel market analyses.

    [钢铁] - www.steel*rbis.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-13

  • jiugang.com


       [待更新] 酒钢集团公司, 位于明长城西端的甘肃省嘉峪关市,南倚祁连,北望大漠,地处河西走廊“咽喉要地”,素有“丝路明珠”、“戈壁钢城”之美誉。酒钢集团公司始建于1958年,经过50多年的发展,酒钢集团公司已建成西部至大的钢铁联合企业, 成为甘肃省多元发展的大型骨干企业集团。...

    [钢铁] - www.jiugang*.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-13

  • gzgangguan.com


       [待更新] 贵阳观山湖鲁悦钢材销售部提供贵阳无缝钢管, 贵阳不锈钢管, 贵阳精密钢管, 贵阳高压锅炉管, 贵阳合金钢管, 贵阳螺旋钢管, 贵阳厚壁钢管.电话:***

    [钢铁] - Www.gzganggu*n.com - GB2312 - 2016-10-15

  • hxyhl.com.cn


       [待更新] 巩义重型生产的双级粉碎机与炉渣粉碎机型号齐全, 其中煤矸石粉碎机产量大, 页岩粉碎机质量优, 双级粉碎机与炉渣粉碎机价格优惠.巩义重型是煤矸石粉碎机与页岩粉碎机的生产基地, 是您购买煤矸石粉碎机和页岩粉碎机的理想选择。咨询电话:***...

    [矿业设备] - www.*xyhl.com.cn - GB2312 - 2020-04-02

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