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Mining & Metallurgy 冶金矿产

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  • futuremetals.com

    Aerospace Metals

      ::0Aerospace Metals: Future Metals, a leading US Aircraft and Aerospace Supplier, manufactures quality materials for Aerospace and Aviation Industry.

    [管件、管材] - www.futuremetals.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-03

  • ginde.co.za

    Domain misconfigured


    [管件、管材] - www.gind*.co.za - UTF-8 - 2024-12-03

  • finetubes.co.uk

    Seamless and Welded

      ::0Precision tubes in stainless steel, nickel and titanium alloys as seamless, welded and redrawn tube form.

    [管件、管材] - www.finetubes.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • fiberbond.com

    FIBERBOND® Piping Systems


    [管件、管材] - www.fiberbon*.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • georgfischer.co.uk

    Georg Fischer Ltd

      ::0Georg Fischer: worldwide preferred partner for the safe transport of liquids and gases, vehicle weight reduction and high-precision manufacturing technologies

    [管件、管材] - www.georgfischer.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • futureplumbinginc.com

    Future Plumbing and Piping Inc


    [管件、管材] - www.futureplumbin*inc.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • franklinfueling.com

    Franklin Electric Fueling Systems

      ::0We offer the world's most complete line of petroleum equipment including Submersible Pumping Systems, Piping & Containment Systems, Service Station Hardware, ...

    [管件、管材] - www.franklinfueling.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • engineered-piping-products.com

    Design without limits


    [管件、管材] - www.engineered-*iping-products.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • fusibond.com

    Fusibond – Piping Systems


    [管件、管材] - www.fusi*ond.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-02

  • frppiping.com

    FRPsupply and Accessories

      ::0FRPsupply is provide high quality FRP Stub Flanges, FRP Coupling, FRP Blind Flange, FRP 90 Degree Elbow, FRP Pipe, FRP Piping, FRP Fittings, FRP U-Vent, FRP Manway, Fiberglass Stub Flange, Fiberglass Coupling, Fiberglass Blind Flange, Fiberglass 90 Degree Elbow, Fiberglass U-Vent, Fiberglass Manway Fiberglass Pipe, Fiberglass Piping, Fiberglass Fittings, for use in corrosion resistant applications.

    [管件、管材] - www.frppiping.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-01

  • lylwyl.com


       [待更新] ★★洛阳鲁威窑炉有限公司★★产销各种温度的高温电炉, 实验电炉, 箱式炉, 管式炉, 升降炉, 真空炉, 真空气氛炉, 高温钟罩炉等产品及电炉配件。欢迎来电垂询:***

    [冶金设备] - www.lyl*yl.com/ - GB2312 - 2020-05-23

  • yumaijian88.com


       [待更新] 上海一靓金属制品有限公司隶属上海宇牧实业有限责任公司,本公司自备仓库,各种钢板切割设备齐全,常年备有钢板库存13000余吨,可从事:土建工地预埋件、栏杆灯杆预埋件、路灯基础预埋板、标准预埋件生产加工等业务,欢迎新老客户光临!...

    [钢铁] - www.yumaijia*88.com - UTF-8 - 2019-02-01

  • zhishaji.org


       [待更新] 专业生产制砂机, 制沙生产线, 石头制砂机, 鹅卵石制砂机, 河卵石制砂机, 石粉制砂机, 石粉洗砂机, 碎石制砂机, 河卵石制沙机, 新型制砂机, 提供机制砂生产工艺及机制沙工艺流程配置。咨询热线:***

    [矿业设备] - www.zhish*ji.org - GB2312 - 2015-04-18

  • ganggebanyt.com


       [待更新] 河北科迈钢格板厂家生产热镀(浸)锌钢格板, 异形钢格板, 平台钢格板, ***, 不锈钢格栅板, 插接钢格板, 对插接钢格栅板、齿形钢格板, 防滑钢格栅板, 复合钢格板, 球型立柱, 球形栏,电厂平台钢格板厂家,

    [金属丝网] - www.gangge*anyt.com/ - UTF-8 - 2016-03-24

  • newpages.com.my

    The Most Effective onweb Business Platform...

      ::1The Business Portal for Malaysia! Search for thousands of quality Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Importers, Buyers, Wholesalers, Products and Services from newpages.com.my

    [金属丝网] - www.newpages.com.my - UTF-8 - 2023-10-19

  • 86mdo.com


      ::0中机产业数据网是中国工业网旗下的机电领域报价系统, 该系统收录了近10年来超过500万条以上产品数据,涵盖1万多家大中型企业的主要产品。是了解全球机电产品价格信息大型重要参考查询数据工具。

    [冶金设备] - www.86mdo.com - UTF-8 - 2024-12-18

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