[待更新] 浙江冠力阀门有限公司是一家致力于阀门制造销售于一体的现代化企业, 公司主要产品有:【硬密封刄闸阀, 德标刄型闸阀, 耐高温刄闸阀, 弹性座封闸阀, 暗杆刄闸阀, 电液动刄闸阀, 电动刄闸阀, 对夹式刄型闸阀, 不锈钢V型球阀, 硬密封V型球阀, 排污刄型闸阀, 电动闸阀, 暗杆刄闸阀, 伞齿轮刄闸...www.guanlival*es.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-08-21
[待更新] 温州市永坚阀门有限公司专业生产节流截止放空阀,阀套式排污阀,轴流式止回阀,双密封导轨阀,双关双断阀,双密封导轨阀,将军阀,双重密封阀,双密封旋塞阀的企业, 是以开发、设计、制造、销售为一体化的生产厂商....www.rddq*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-09-29
[待更新] 浙江赛克斯阀业有限公司是一家专业制造软密封蝶阀、硬密封蝶阀的重点企业, 包含了对夹式硬密封蝶阀, 法兰式硬密封蝶阀, 对夹式软密封蝶阀, 法兰式软密封蝶阀等系列蝶阀生产, 欢迎您来电咨询合作!www.cnx*v.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-12-12
[待更新] 江苏佰纳德自控设备有限公司主要生产:电动阀门, 电动执行器, 球阀, 调节阀等产品, 本公司从事研制、开发、生产自控设备的专业企业欢迎来电咨询.www.jsb*inade.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-07-27
[待更新] 烟台大华数控机床附件有限公司主营数控转台, 分度盘, 第四轴等产品, 是专业从事数控转台及功能部件研发生产、销售、服务的高科技企业, 也是烟台地区分度盘产品标志性厂家www.yantaid*hua.com/
- GB2312 - 2014-04-29
Henry Pratt Company
[待更新] The Henry Pratt Company designs, develops, manufactures and markets butterfly, rectangular, ball, nuclear, industrial, cone, sleeve, and energy dissipating valves as well as valve actuators and control systems. www.he*rypratt.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-09-13
[待更新] At the McWane family of companies, we make the pipes, valves, fire hydrants and fittings that together build our nation's water infrastructure.www.m*wane.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-11-26
Milliken Valve Company
[待更新] The Milliken Valve Company designs, develops, manufacturers and markets plug, butterfly, and check valves and their respective controls and actuators. These valves are used primarily in the water, wastewater, and industrial markets.www.millikenva*ve.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-04-01
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Valve Actuators
[待更新] Rotork Rotork design and manufacture electric, pneumatic and hydraulic valve actuators and gearboxes to manage the flow of liquids, gases and powders in major industries around the world.www.rotor*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-04-01
[待更新] 温州博源阀门有限公司(***)厂家生产不锈钢抗生素截止阀, 不锈钢截止阀, 美标截止阀, 美标闸阀, 铸钢闸阀, 卧式止回阀, 篮式过滤器, 双联过滤器等www.xy*hf.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-08-15