[待更新] 长春法兰盘_长春市利华通用机械厂,电话:*** 始建于1983年,已有二十多年的 历史。目前已成为管件研制、生产、开发于一体的科技型企业。拥有大型生产设备及中小型设备 20多台套。主要生产平焊、对焊法兰、凸凹法兰盘、异形法兰及各种连接用法兰管件。...www.changchunlihua*.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-01
[待更新] 江阴市昶纶科技有限公司是一家机械法兰加工制造企业, 拥有多年生产不锈钢法兰的经验, 主营各种不同规格的不锈钢法兰.昶纶不锈钢法兰服务线路:***www.*hangluntec.com
- GB2312 - 2011-05-01
Spiral steel pipe...
[待更新] LSAW pipe, Spiral steel pipe, seamless steel pipe, Alloy steel pipe, boiler tube, casing pipe, Grooved steel pipe, Abrasion resistant pipe, alloy steel pipe fittings, Flange, socket welded and threads pipe fittings. Couplings, nippleswww.c*dco.com
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China precision forgings...
[待更新] SHANXI JINGLONG FORGING TECHNOLOGY INC.is a professional forging manufacturer in China for auto forging parts, forging flange, forged valve body and forged parts and large forging parts. www.china-forgi*g.biz
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[待更新] 定襄县亿鑫法兰有限公司www.china-forg*ng.com
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[待更新] 温州日华法兰有限公司专业生产不锈钢法兰,产品种类丰富,价格实惠,可为客户提供可靠的平焊法兰、对焊法兰、美标法兰、法兰盖等法兰产品,重信誉,欢迎来电咨询***www.china-r*hua.cn
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Copper Fittings offered by china manu...
[待更新] Copper Fittings manufacturer - Find quality air conditioner accessories, brass fittings, Copper Fittings china manufacturer.www.chinacopperfitt*ngs.com
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- GB2312 - 2011-05-01
Zhejiang Y...
[待更新] Zhejiang Yimai Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. supplies a broad range stainless steel pipe including stainless steel pipe fittings at good prices, Zhejiang Yimai is a leading China Stainless steel pipe supplier with High-quality & competitive prices. www.chinastainl*sspipe.com
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