Cable & Wire 电线电缆
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[待更新] 东莞废旧机械是东莞金兴回收公司高新技术企业, 致力于销售东莞工厂设备, 东莞废旧金属物资, 东莞废旧电线电缆回收生产企业之一(***), 拥有多条世界先进东莞库存废品回收站点.www.dgjx*
- GB2312 - 2015-05-15外贴超声波液位开关...
[待更新] 上海杰创测控技术有限公司是国内外专业的外贴液位开关, 外贴超声波液位开关, 外测超声波液位计, 外测液位计, 外置液位计, 超声波液位计生产(供应)商,主营产品有:外贴液位开关, 外贴超声波液位开关, 外测超声波液位计, 外测液位计, 外置液位计, 超声波液位计等, 上海杰创测控技术有限公司...www.jc-*
- GB2312 - 2015-04-30矿用高压防水连接器...
[待更新] 广州睿玛科防水电器股份有限公司[***]经营防水插头, 防水接头, 防水连接器, 矿用高压防水连接器, 电网线缆连接器等研发生产, 定制销售于一体的品牌供应商, 厂家直贩, 质量好, 价格优, 拥有完整检标准, 是防水电器的龙头企业, 欢迎订购!...www.rme*
- UTF-8 - 2015-04-25深圳...
[待更新] 博瑞光通信拥有业界至完整的生产线和解决方案,生产的各种光电模块广泛应用于电信网络、数据传输网络、企业网络、存储区域网(SAN)、城域网、广域网以及CWDM/DWDM网络,满足各种工业标准和规范,并以可选择范围广、性价比高等优势赢得客户好评。例如,SFP+、XENPAK、...www.*
- GB2312 - 2015-04-11湛江通讯管材...
- UTF-8 - 2015-04-10镀锌钢丝绳...
[待更新] 南通胜超钢绳有限公司专业生产电梯用钢丝绳、镀锌钢丝绳、矿用钢丝绳、吊篮专用绳丝、打桩机钻机钢丝绳等, “超力”牌钢丝绳广泛应用于各个行业, 是知名钢丝绳生产厂家。www.ntscgs*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-02-15密集型母线槽价格型号...
[待更新] 扬州亿莱特电气专业生产安全滑触线,单极安全滑线,多极管式滑触线,滑触线集电器,滑触线指示灯 JGH刚体 低阻抗滑触线;母线槽,密集型母线槽,封闭性母线槽,管母线。其产品的专业,完美的售后为每一位客户做到负责。我们坚持的服务理念:诚信为本,不敢旁骛!...www.yzelt*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-02-13阻蔽电缆...
[待更新] 山东中煤矿用电缆分公司隶属于山东中煤工矿集团,主要生产矿用电缆, 泄漏电缆, 扁平电缆, 阻蔽电缆, 同轴电缆, 信号电缆, 矿用通信电缆等,咨询电话:***。www.zmdianlan*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-02-06威海电缆桥架...
[待更新] 威海鑫广桥架厂从事威海电缆桥架, 威海桥架, 威海配电箱等产品的生产与销售, 经验丰富, 技术雄厚, 产品被广泛使用在各行业www.xingua*
- GB2312 - 2015-01-12江苏阜大电力设备工程有限...
[待更新] 江苏阜大电力设备工程有限公司是国内领先的电缆输送机生产厂家。专业生产输变电、供电线路施工工具的企业。www.js-*
- UTF-8 - 2014-12-19
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CT Firewall Cables...
[待更新] Celebrating its 100th Year Anniversary in 2018, RSCC Exane ® has been the Industry Leader in Power, Control, and Instrumentation Cables for the Nuclear Utility, Rolling Stock, Oil & Gas, and Fire Safety industry segments.www.r-*
- UTF-8 - 2020-05-30All Ga...
[待更新] Ramcorp Wire and Cable is a Cable supplier, Manufacturer & distributor of bulk wire and cable, providing over 150, 000 standard and custom design cable to Commercial, Industrial, OEM and Military customers!www.ramc*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2020-05-30Professional Wire...
[待更新] RDS Wire & Cable is a stocking distributor of industrial electric wire, cable, tubing, sleeving and insulation for commercial applications. Call to request a quote USA (310)***or RFQ onweb. RDS caters to Military and Aerospace industries offering onsite custom wire twisting, cutting and stripping capabilities.www.rds*
- UTF-8 - 2020-05-29Reel Core
[待更新] Since***Reel-Core has used a proprietary blow-molded reel design to revolutionize the industry. Learn more about how the better reel can help you.www.ree*
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-02Regency Wire
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-05and Standard Cables
[待更新] Remee is among top wire and cable manufacturers in the U.S. Customers seek them out for modified, custom, and standard cables.www.rem*
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-22Copper Distribution
[待更新] Aluminum and Copper Wire Manufacturing for electrical wholesale distributor, utility distributors, RUS, investor-owned utilities and municipalities.www.*
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-03Fences and Gates Melbourne
[待更新] Fences and Gates installed Melbourne, delivered Australia wide.www.resurre*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2020-06-14Flexible RF...
[待更新] RF Logic specializes in RF, coaxial, and microwave cable assemblies. As well as Design Support, Engineering Services, Manufacturing and Value-Added Services for Clients Requiring Quality and Price-Competitive Assemblies.www.rflogic*.net
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-03Rigging hardware...
- UTF-8 - 2020-06-13