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天下林氏一家亲 Welcome To 寻根网 林 比干...
[待更新] 林氏宗亲网WWW.04138.COM全球至权威林姓宗亲网站, 比干妈祖九牧文化研究探讨,寻根问祖, 记载林氏历史千秋,为林氏后裔提供至新林氏新闻、林氏宗祠、林氏家谱、林氏堂联、林氏先贤、林氏名人、林氏企业,是一个综合性公益宗亲网站, 设有林氏论坛、林氏商盟、林氏读报、林氏商城...www.*inshi.org
- GB2312 - 2019-12-06RV Talk
[待更新] RVTalk.net is the premier onweb resource for those who love RVing, travel and road tripping. Visit us to learn more about hitting the road in an RV.www.r*talk.net
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-20Outdoor Fact
[待更新] OutdoorFact.com is an affiliate website reviewing a wide range of necessary outdoor, camping gears along with ratings and comparisons by testing all of them and collecting reviews from experts all over USA to help outdoor lovers to find the best products for their needs.outdoorfact.c*m
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-20Only At Yes Surrey
[待更新] Get quality surrey bikes & 4-wheel pedal bikes delivered right to your front door. Only through the leading provider of surrey bikes in Canada: Yes Surrey.*essurrey.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-16India's leading Travel Agency Tour Operator
[待更新] Domestic & international tour packages, kerala hotel booking, kerala taxi services, tourist VISA, tourist guides and 24x7 supprots from meetmytour holidaysmeet*ytour.com/
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-11Explore the Ancient Historic City
[待更新] The famous travle blog of Kolhapur. Know top places to visit, History and culture of Kolhapur, Best and famous products and much more.thekolhap*r.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-18枇杷八字...
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-15周氏文化网
[待更新] 周氏文化网(www.zhzswh.com)是一个综合性的、公益性的周氏文化交流平台。以弘扬周氏文化, 传承中华文明, 打造中华品牌, 促进社会和谐为宗旨。www.z*zswh.com/
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-29振兴...
[待更新] 中华周氏联谊总会网站《中华周氏》创办于2004年。总会宗旨是:友谊、团结、振兴、和谐!www.chinazh*u.cn/
- GBK - 2019-09-29Gathering in Winthrop Washington
[待更新] A very laid-back Steampunk September in the wild-west town of Winthrop, WA. Enjoy music, potluck, the Gear Swap, and more at the Steampunk Rendezvous.steamp*nkrendezvous.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-20
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- GB2312 - 2014-10-28商氏家谱...
[待更新] 打造全球商氏家族交流的网上家园,让商氏兄弟姐妹出门在外不再孤单,随时可以联系到身边的商氏家族,和家族的沟通交流更近,更方便。同时打造商氏家谱,寻根问祖,QQ交流,家谱合集的信息,商氏宗亲会议页示分享,整合,感谢大家的支持!...www.cn-sha*g.com
- GB2312 - 2016-05-20潮人黄姓
[待更新] 潮人黄姓汇集潮汕地区黄氏族谱,黄氏历代名人。概述潮汕地区黄姓各世系播布状况,现有黄荀公世系、黄井公世系、黄久盛公世系、黄致政公世系、黄程公世系、黄全公世系、黄建业公世系、黄建饶公世系、黄僚公世系、黄紫峰公世系、黄清雅公世系、黄德三公世系、黄祺潭公世系及黄建联公世系。还介...www.c*hx.net
- GB2312 - 2016-05-20族谱...
[待更新] 中华白氏网, 了解白氏渊源, 传承并发扬白氏文化, 寻根问祖, 缅怀白氏先贤, 交流信息和联络感情的综合网络平台;www.zg*s.net
- GBK - 2016-05-20百姓通谱网...
[待更新] 百姓通谱网凭着创新的家谱修谱模式,创立同心圆核心技术,打造全球首家百家姓氏家谱、族谱、宗谱门户网站。百姓通谱网是全球首家把传统家谱修到互联网上的公司。www.jp50*0.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-20Entertainment Tonight
[待更新] Entertainment Tonight (ET) is the authoritative source on entertainment and celebrity news with unprecedented access to Hollywood's biggest stars, upcoming movies, and TV shows.www.etonline*.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-12-30History
[待更新] Explore HISTORY shows, watch videos and full episodes, play games and access articles on historical topics at History.com.www.hist*ry.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-07-27DIY Home Improvement Information
[待更新] Do it yourself home improvement and diy repair at Doityourself.com. Includes home improvement projects, home repair, kitchen remodeling, plumbing, electrical, painting, real estate, and decorating.www.doi*yourself.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-09-20Art for sale
[待更新] Find and buy art from exciting new artists in our onweb art gallery. Or sell art with your own easy artist website.www.artspan*.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-07-07UFO未解之谜...
[待更新] UFO未解之谜网(UFOmi.com)主要收集ufo报道、地外生物、考古发现、外星文明以及宇宙和地球所有灵异、神秘的事物,探索未知世界,满足您的好奇心。www.*fomi.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-04