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  • gifreducer.com

    Compress your gifs and animations so they...

      ::1Optimize your gif images by reducing the number of colors. The images will load faster and will be seen sooner by web visitors.

    www.gifreducer.com - WINDOWS-1252 - 2024-09-14

  • greengardeninc.com

    Green Garden Products

      ::1Hose end sprayer application products from Green Garden Products offers hose end sprayers for your lawn and garden chemical applications.

    www.greengardeninc.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2024-09-14

  • imagereducer.com



    www.imagereduce*.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-11

  • jargonreducer.net

    Jargon Reducer Nanette Wylde 2006

      ::1Jargon Reducer is an interactive text manipulator which critiques language and communication. It was created by Nanette Wylde in Flash, 2005. In***Adobe initiated end-of-life for Flash, meaning support for Flash projects was discontinued, and that browsers and the Internet audience were discouraged from allowing Flash projects to play on their computers. This site acts as documentation of this project.

    www.jargonreducer.net - ISO-8859-1 - 2024-09-11

  • jpegreducer.com

    JPEG Reducer free web image optimizer

      ::1JpegReducer: free onweb image optimization and compression. Optimize images and improve your site's performance with lossy, glossy or lossless compression.

    www.jpegreducer.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-11

  • jundehg.com



    www.jundehg.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-10

  • matexgears.com

    Matex Gears

      ::1With units available in many ratios, sizes, and materials, Matex gears can be used singly or in combination to meet virtually any reduction requirement.

    www.matexgears.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-09

  • optotune.com


       [待审] Optotune develops and manufactures industry shaping active optical components that allow customers around the globe to innovate. Founded in***, we started out with our core technology of focus tunable lenses, which was inspired by the working principle of the human eye. Laser speckle reducers, 2D mirroes, tunable prisms and beam shifters are further additions to our product lines.

    www.optotu*e.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-07

  • qzadzs.com


      ::1浙江南且装饰公司是一家专业的装饰公司, 提供全包圆装饰服务。我们拥有丰富的经验和专业的团队, 致力于为客户提供高品质的装饰工作, 包括车内装饰、电视柜装饰、装饰音等。

    www.qzadzs.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-07

  • screensolutionsnw.com

    Retractable and Motorized Screen Door

      ::1Custom retractable and motorized screen doors and patio shades. Quality materials professionally installed to fit any sized opening. Eastern WA and North ID.

    www.screensolutionsnw.com - UTF-8 - 2024-09-06

  • xinyilouti.com


       [待更新] 霸州市宏达楼梯制造厂(总厂)致力于优质钢木楼梯的设计生产, 在霸州楼梯厂家中具有领先水平, 是精益求精的钢木楼梯厂家, 为客户生产满意的优质钢木楼梯, 霸州楼梯厂家宗旨是潮流, 品质, 服务。

    www.xinyilo*ti.com - GB2312 - 2014-10-31

  • chinayoubang.com


       [待更新] 友邦,中国集成吊顶行业缔造者和领导者,专注以创新设计和卓越性能缔造一流的室内吊顶整体解决方案。2004年,友邦应用MSO模块化技术原创发明集成吊顶,不仅使厨卫吊顶实现了装饰美学的升级,同时也实现了电器功能模块的扩展和优化。***年,友邦将所发明的集成吊顶技术产业化后,更...

    www.chinayoubang*.com - GB2312 - 2013-09-04

  • hbssjt.cn


       [待更新] 金鼎伟业多功能制砖机厂的多功能制砖机质优价低, 是多功能制砖机行业的骨干企业, 多功能制砖机获多项省级金奖, 多功能制砖机畅销全国, 多功能制砖机报价电话:***.

    www.hbs*jt.cn - UTF-8 - 2011-05-25

  • sdsh17.com


       [待更新] 宁波经济技术开发区凯诺仪器有限公司是优质的爱华声级计,管道漏水检测仪,怡信影像测量仪,博世激光测距仪,轴对中仪,金相切割机供应商,主要经营产品有:气动量仪,怡信影像测量仪,激光对中仪,博世激光测距仪,管道漏水检测仪,爱华声级计,轴对中仪,激光测径仪,铁损测试仪,金相切割...

    www.*dsh17.com - UTF-8 - 2015-04-18

  • cnfrp.net


       [待更新] 中国玻璃钢综合信息网是中国复合材料工业协会会员单位, 旨在为玻璃钢复合材料行业企业提供行业新闻信息发布,电子商务B2B, 专业工艺技术支持,网络优化推广,显景包装等全方位网络营销服务。

    www.cnf*p.net - GB2312 - 2011-07-19

  • worldjyd.com


       [待更新] 淄博金洋达塑业有限公司一九九八年成立,是生产PE波纹管、PE给水管、PE燃气管、PE地源热泵管、HDPE缠绕管及PE钢带增强波纹管的专业企业,国家建设部、省建设厅推广使用产品。

    www.worldjy*.com - GB2312 - 2013-05-04

  • cntdw.net


       [待更新] 京旺玻璃钢管业专业生产:玻璃钢电力管|玻璃钢电缆保护管|玻璃钢管-我厂成立于1990年, 是河北至具实力的玻璃钢管、玻璃钢电力管、玻璃钢电缆保护管厂家.

    www.cntd*.net - GB2312 - 2011-07-19

  • jianzhu-moban.com


       [待更新] 中国建筑模板网,汇集各地建筑模板、钢模板、桥梁模板、圆柱模板、清水模板、竹胶板、塑料模板、圆模板、木模板、模板支撑厂家,为您提供模板供应求收价格信息。

    www.jia*zhu-moban.com/ - UTF-8 - 2019-02-24

  • szchuandongfb.com


       [待更新] 川东帆布膜结构公司主营:帆布,蓬布,防水帆布,防火布,君用帆布,阻燃帆布,防雨布,油布,雨布,三防布,PVC涂塑布,帐篷,帆布热合机,蓬房结构,君用蓬布,彩条布加工,批发,零售,张拉膜结构、膜结构建筑、膜结构车棚、空间膜、张拉膜车棚、景观膜工程, 不锈钢工程...

    www.szchuandongfb*.com - GB2312 - 2013-03-30

  • fsltty.com


       [待更新] 佛山市蓝箭铁艺工程有限公司专业从事铁艺门, 楼梯扶手, 铁艺围栏, 铁艺门, 不锈钢大门.是佛山专业的铁艺门厂;产品包括高档小区的豪华铁艺大门、栏河、扶手、家居大门电机、车库门等.

    www.fs*tty.com - GB2312 - 2014-10-31

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