Lime Plaster 石灰、石膏
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[待更新] 南京绿鸿建筑材料有限公司是集生产、销售与施工为一体的民营建筑材料企业, 我公司主导产品:《绿鸿牌》内、外墙耐水腻子等经国家质检部门认定为优质产品,《绿鸿牌》低碳环保石膏砂浆系列具有质量稳定可靠、防霉耐水、不开裂不空鼓易施工等特点。...www.n*
- GB2312 - 2013-11-0513813384497...
[待更新] 南京珂琪石膏装饰有限公司是一家实行设计、生产、安装南京石膏线一条龙服务的公司,专业承接酒店宾馆别墅等大型工程,公司一般经营项目有:石南京膏线,批发石膏粉(中高低档),批发模具,浮雕,罗马柱...www.n*
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05荆门市磊鑫石膏制品有限公司网站...
[待更新] 荆门市磊鑫石膏制品有限公司位于海慧路27号,成立于2002年,电话:***,阿里巴巴诚信通会员。荆门市磊鑫石膏制品有限公司以生产加工为模式,致力于食品添加剂琉酸钙;半水石膏粉;食用石膏粉;透明粉;石膏粉;食用石膏;食品级琉酸钙;琉酸钙;无水石膏;纤维石膏;建筑石膏;高强...www.nonmeta*
- GBK - 2013-11-05纤维线条...
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05合肥欧尚异型石膏线...
[待更新] 石膏线条-合肥欧尚异型石膏线是一家从事石膏线, 石膏线条, 合肥石膏线, 合肥石膏线条等建筑装修产品, 买石膏线条就来合肥欧尚异型石膏线, 物美价廉!我们将谒诚为广大用户提供更加完美的服务!www.o*
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05品质卓越...
[待更新] 上海千川建材有限公司专业从事纸面石膏板生产, 主营产品有纸面石膏板, 千川石膏板, 千川pvc石膏板, 我司生产经验丰富, 技术力量雄厚, 产品为绿色环保型, 质量可靠, 畅销国内外, 全国通用热线***, 期待您的来电!www.qcsgb*.com
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05清峰石膏线条...
[待更新] 清峰石膏线条,南京友达石膏制品有限公司专门承接酒店宾馆别墅等大型工程,公司生产的主要产品有GRC制成的各种线条、线板、窗套、花瓶栏杆、花盆、罗马柱、建筑小品、雕塑、门楣、蘑菇石、园林等,相继用在北京的大湖山庄别墅、南京东郊小镇联排别墅、南京港口医院、南京金陵石化、南京碧...www.q*
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05温州石膏制品...
[待更新] 温州帕特里克艺术装饰建材是一家从事开发、生产、经营为一体的温州石膏制品, 温州石膏线条, 石膏制品厂装修建材制造商。www.r*
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05专业石膏线厂家...
- GB2312 - 2013-11-05环保节能石灰窑炉...
- UTF-8 - 2013-11-05
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Armourcoat Surface Finishes
[待更新] Armourcoat Surface Finishes. The worlds foremost supplier of polished plasters, sculptural effects and innovative surface finishes.www.a*
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-26Cline Plastering
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-26Sacramento Valley Bureau for Plaster Lath
[待更新] This website is designed to be a companion to all the Plastering Industry codes, specifications, manuals and other information available to the Building and Design Communities, and to augment reference documents to produce higher quality plaster specifications, and bid and building processes.www.clp*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-10-26Cornish Lime Company...
[待更新] Dedicated manufacturer of lime based products such as high calcium mature lime putty, guaranteed at least four months old, lime mortars, lime plasters and lime washes. All of these products are manufactured here in Cornwall using high quality Derbyshire limestone.www.cornishli*
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- UTF-8 - 2015-10-29Distinct Interiors
[待更新] Randy Orr is a Vancouver decorative painter and the founding partner in Distinct Interiors. The founding philosophy for this decorative painter's creative company remains the same. Distinct Interiors is located in Vancouver, BC and was established in 1992.www.distinctinterior*.net
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-31com eco stucco⢠⢠Natural...
[待更新] eco stucco⢠is a range of natural plaster finishes designed to protect and enhance interior and exterior walls as a sustainable alternative.www.ecos*
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- UTF-8 - 2015-10-29Italian Plasters Finishes Saras...
[待更新] European Finishes Italian Plaster Finishes Sarasota and All Natural and Authentic Premier Lime Plasters in Sarasota, Floridawww.europe*
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