Flooring 地板、地砖
CUSTOM MOSAIC & MIRROR TILE ART, creates passionate artistic life beyond ones imagination.
By using a Variety of Tiles, Porcelain, China, beads, Mirrors, and jewelry.A word is worth a thousand bullets”,
A picture is worth a thousand words"& A mosaic creation is Worth a thousand pictures”.www.custommosaicart.com
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Heritage Tiling Restoration...
My work is all about restoring historic tiled floors biggest percentage is Victorian encaustic & geometric tiled floors and occasionally wall tile schemes again these are usually Victorian, however as floors are under constant wear & tear it is geometric & encaustic tiled floors that comprise our bread & butter work + mosaics oddly thewww.heritagetiling.com
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Mosaic Tiles Factory China
Elevate your space with Mosaic Tiles. Explore a world of artistic possibilities and style.www.homeemosaic.com
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Mosaic Tiles
Roman Mosaic Tiles UK. Our Mosaic Wall and Floor Tiles are traditionally made of marble mosaic. Roman mosaics wall and floor tiles.www.romanvision.co.uk
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Sheeted ceramic tile design and supply
Victorian floor tiles and contemporary geometric ceramic tiles. Specialists in the design and supply of mosaic tile schemes.www.londonmosaicrestoration.co.uk
- UTF-8 - 2024-08-09
[待审] 大阪で、フリーランスとして仕事を始めた方の中には、「なかなか轨道に乗せることが出来ない」と感じている方もいると思います。では、フリーランスとして轨道に乗せて方の数年后の変化について、ご绍介しましょう。...www.*ansellandwells.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-08-08
Photo mosaic software
Mazaika is a photo mosaic software. Make your own photo-mosaics, big images composed from collections of small photos from your own pictures with Mazaika program.www.mazaika.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-08-08
Metalborder – The style is changing
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Riverson Fine Art
The Riverson Fine Art Gallery features painting, sculpture and mosaic by Mississippi Delta artist Joe Moorman., .www.riversonfineart.com
- UTF-8 - 2024-08-05
The Mosaic Art Factory - The SICIS concept of luxury. Discover the brand and the collections (Mosaic, Art Gallery, Next Art, Jewels, Watches).www.sicis.it
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- GB2312 - 2016-03-24
[待更新] 箭牌瓷砖网产品有瓷片、瓷砖、抛光砖、仿古砖等,是中国陶瓷十大品牌,瓷片十大品牌,瓷砖十大品牌。箭牌瓷砖价格优惠质量好,网站经常有箭牌瓷砖促销活动,所以你说箭牌瓷砖怎么样,尽在箭牌瓷砖网。...www.a*rowceramic.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-24
[待更新] 英国拿舍地板宁波店是一家专业从事实木地板, 地热地板, 宁波实木地暖地板,宁波实木地热地板销售的地板公司,产品畅销欧美,品质有保证;宁波实木地热/地暖地板非常适合一些追求高品质人群的青睐。欢迎咨询 ...www.cn*xp.com
- GB2312 - 2016-03-24
[待更新] 上海亚睿实业有限公司主要经营艺术地坪, 压花地坪, 着色地坪, 透水地坪材料, 透水地坪厂家, 彩色混凝土施工, 彩色陶瓷颗粒路面, 胶粘石路面, 透水混凝土增强剂, 压模地坪,透水地坪着色剂, 透水混凝土着色剂, 彩色防滑道路, 透水地坪增强剂等产品!我们公司具备有至实战的技术, 专业的运营团...www.*arecn.cn
- UTF-8 - 2016-04-06
Carpet and Flooring guide
[待更新] Informative flooring guide for carpet, hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, ceramic tile, area rugs, natural stone, cork, bamboo and vinyl flooring from the WFCAwww.*fca.org
- UTF-8 - 2012-10-09
[待更新] [!--pagedes--]www.cspinc*ao.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-04-19
[待更新] 冠珠瓷砖隶属于新明珠集团股份有限公司,创立于1993年,是全球先进的建筑陶瓷墙地砖的供应商和品牌商。主要生产销售各类墙地砖、陶瓷岩板、石墨烯智控发热瓷砖等全品类产品,努力朝着“有建筑的地方,就有冠珠陶瓷”的目标打造国际知名民族品牌。...www.c*1993.com
- UTF-8 - 2022-02-08
[待更新] “马可波罗”品牌诞生于1996年,作为国内至早品牌化的建陶品牌,以“文化陶瓷”占领市场,享有“仿古砖至尊”的美誉。目前产品涵盖亚光砖、抛光砖、抛釉砖、内墙瓷片、微晶石、手工雕刻砖等,是国内建陶产品系列至全的品牌。...www.*arcopolo.com.cn
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-27
[待更新] 广州耐迪公司是一家生产和经营环氧地坪漆、金刚砂地坪、混凝土密封固化剂的专业厂家。拥有成熟的生产体系、领先的施工技术。咨询热线:***。www.n*idi-tl.com
- GB2312 - 2016-04-06
[待更新] 广东嘉俊陶瓷有限公司系国家高新技术企业,公司以自身所具有的独特创新优势和品牌实力,先后入选广东省现代产业500强项目和广东省优势传统产业转型升级示范企业目录。嘉俊品牌连续多年被评为中国建筑陶瓷知名品牌,公司产品多次获得中国陶瓷行业名牌产品和广东省名牌产品称号。...www.c*jiajun.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-24