Building Coating 建筑涂料
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[待更新] 河北廊坊大城县亿晨达保温材料有限公司是国内至大的电梯井吸音板价格制造商,耐火保温隔音材料的大型骨干企业。电梯井吸音板价格 是专门为电梯井道、机房设计,生产的隔声材料,芯材为黄色玻璃棉纤维,离心玻璃棉作为一种在世界各地长期广泛应用的声学材料, 被证明具有优异的吸声性能, ...www.0581*
- GBK - 2016-05-26岩棉保温管...
[待更新] 河北廊坊大城县亿晨达保温材料有限公司是国内至大的岩棉保温管制造商,耐火保温隔音材料的大型骨干企业。岩棉保温管用于各类管道的保温,包括石油、电力、供暖、工业等,主要是为了管道的保温、隔热和防止管道冻裂等等。 岩棉保温管遇火不会燃烧,属于国家A级防火不燃产品,燃烧 ...www.*
- GBK - 2016-05-26硅藻泥结盟...
[待更新] 江苏绿赫环保科技有限公司是硅藻泥定制, 设计, 施工, 一体化方案解决商, 硅藻泥能够净化空气, 吸收甲醛、苯等有害物质, 并拥有调温控湿, 墙面自洁, 吸音降噪, 保温隔热, 释放负离子, 不沾灰尘等优点.是新一代室内装饰材料首选.全国咨询热线:***...www.lvhegzn*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-10中亮涂料...
[待更新] 中亮江苏新型涂料有限公司一专业致力于生产各种中高档涂料系列产品。其产品包括建筑内外墙乳胶系列、真石漆系列、氟碳漆系列等。www.zltuli*
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-09Jxchinapaint
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-05隔热保温硅胶布...
[待更新] 邹城市瑞能复合材料有限公司主营隔热保温硅胶布, 环保除尘防护布, 耐高温防腐三防布等产品, 公司生产的硅胶布和防护布性能高, 用途广, 价格实惠, 欢迎选购www.zcrnf*.com/
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-04重庆瓷砖胶...
[待更新] 重庆泉世福建材有限公司销售重庆瓷砖胶, 瓷砖粘贴剂, 石材粘结剂, 环保腻子.厂家直贩重庆瓷砖胶, 瓷砖粘贴剂质量一流, 石材粘结剂报价合理, 欢迎来电咨询环保腻子等事宜.www.qsf-sh*.com
- GB2312 - 2016-05-04武汉七彩佳涂料科技有限公司
[待更新] 武汉七彩佳涂料科技有限公司是中国民族涂料行业的领军企业与代表性企业, 公司始建于 2002年, 是国内至为悠久的油漆涂料生产经营企业之一, 是中国涂料工业发展的先驱之一***www.7caijia*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-03重庆佰润涂料有限公司...
[待更新] 重庆佰润涂料有限公司专业从事隧道防火涂料工程,隧道防火涂料施工, 隧道防霉阻燃材料,隧道及桥梁装饰工程, 乳胶漆生产销售。服务线路:***;www.cqbrt*.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-04-15品牌厂家直贩...
[待更新] 【网】数码彩涂料, 15年专注建筑工程涂料, 防水外墙涂料, 环保内墙涂料, 地坪漆企业.独特的铜墙铁壁外墙漆, 成为行业著名工程涂料品牌.厂家直贩电话:****
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-08
资讯库 - 建筑涂料 (234)
Hot!- 创业加盟 - 广丽多彩墙艺漆结盟费用和结盟要求详细说明 - 2013-03-26 12:00:27
- 供应信息 - 北京液体壁纸商提醒您关于色彩搭配小技巧 - 2013-02-21 21:59:33
- 供应信息 - 德阳美丽居建材提供【快速堵漏剂】可送至成都、绵阳、德阳、南充等地 - 罗江县美丽居建材有限公司 - - 访问网站 - 2013-01-11 17:06:53
Intumescents Associates Group...
[待更新] Intumescents Associates Group- corrosion resistant and fire retardant advanced intumescent coating for wood, steel, concrete structures, rail tank cars and marine applications.www.advancedepox*
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-09Metal Refinishing and Prefinishing Services
[待更新] A full-service Powder Coating Company in Oregon, WI. We specialize in all types of metal finishing options.www.a*
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-04Metal Finishing and Sandblasting in Central MN...
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-06Altapaints
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-20Foam cutting machines...
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-09Flame Retardant Coatings
[待更新] We have over twenty years of experience in flame retardant coatings for wood.Our wide range of coatings can cater for any need and color.Call us for details.www.aqu*
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-15WallCoating Experts...
[待更新] Avant Coatings Ltd | Specialists in all Exterior Wall Coatings and renovation including Masonry Coatings, Brick Cladding, Stone Cladding, Pebble Dashing and Wall Renderingwww.av*
- UTF-8 - 2013-02-27Beatty Coating Comapany, Inc. – High Performance Coatings Applicators fo...
[待更新] Beatty Coating Company, Inc. provides expertise in surface preparation and the application of high performance coatings to concrete and steel in the industrial environment. This also entails epoxy injection in concrete as well as soil stabilization. All types of coatings are applied by spray, trowel, broadcast and lamination. We maintain memberships in the Society for Protective Coatings, International Concrete Repair Institute and Polymer Coating and Surfacing Institute.www.beattycoati*
- ISO-8859-1 - 2016-12-09Bioni
[待更新] bioniwww.bion*.de
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-20Briken Coatings
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-15