Building Coating 建筑涂料
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[待更新] 西安盛翔地坪工程有限公司是一家专业的从事停车场、工厂车间的地坪、环氧地坪施工的公司,实力雄厚、质量过硬、价格实惠。电话:***www.x*
- GBK - 2017-03-28廊坊佰翔保温材料有限公司...
[待更新] 廊坊佰翔保温是专业的无机纤维喷涂厂家, 提供无机纤维喷涂的服务, 口碑好质量佳, 无机纤维喷涂价格优惠, 具有丰富的经验, 质量有保障, 欢迎来电咨询***【商昊-满天星】www.wujix*
- UTF-8 - 2017-03-25屋顶聚氨酯喷涂...
[待更新] 选择聚氨酯喷涂厂家,请认准廊坊建新,我公司主要承接屋顶聚氨酯喷涂,屋顶聚氨酯喷涂价格实惠, 保温效果好,聚氨酯喷涂厂家电话:***.www.*
- UTF-8 - 2017-02-16中国哪家岩片好...
[待更新] 唐山蜂巢涂料有限公司是一家专业生产研发复合岩片的厂家, 公司技术实力雄厚, 拥有自主研发的全自动复合岩片生产线五条, 彻底解决了岩片供货周期长, 产品质量不稳定这一弊病, 复合岩片主要用于花岗岩涂料, 天然真石漆及新型特殊装饰涂料中, 产品行销世界, 日产岩片可达30吨, 因其产量大价格...www.zgf*
- UTF-8 - 2017-02-14Giving it Away
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-26Yaskawa
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-23Universal Coatings
[待更新] Universal Coatings leads the industry in installation of quality foam roofing and insulation systems with a proven record of success.www.universalco*
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-13Smart Coatings Company
[待更新] Ultra-Smart Coatings Company specifies, distributes and installs high quality floor and surface coating solutions for commercial facilities.www.ul*
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-13Portland...
[待更新] NW's Top of the line X treme Coatings Spray in Bedliners - Portland, Clackamas, Milwaukie, Tualatin, Wilsonville, Beaverton, Lake Oswego, Canby, Gresham, Vancouver, Sandy, Spray-On Bedliners, Trailer Hitches, Truck and SUV Accessories, Spray-On Bedliners, Running Boards, Nerf Bars, Truck Bed Coating, Bed Caps, Driving Lights, Hitch Accessories, Bug Shields, Vent Visors, Lift Kits, Leveling Kits, 5th Wheel, Window Tinting Tri-fold & Roll-Top Tonneau Covers, Canopies, Canopywww.*
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-11Windridge Coatings – Powder coat steel using architectural powder coaters...
[待更新] Large and small items powdercoated to high standards using the Tri Resin powder System.www.wind*
- UTF-8 - 2017-01-10
资讯库 - 建筑涂料 (234)
Hot!- 创业加盟 - 浪卡腻子膏 成都绵阳德阳广元 内江巴中达州 招结盟商 厂家发货 - 四川美丽居建材有限公司 - 访问网站 - 2013-08-27 15:34:10
- 供应信息 - 溶剂在高温环境中挥发的特别快 - 杭州普赛装饰工程有限公司 - 2013-08-20 11:45:45
- 供应信息 - 普通硅酸盐水泥的优点 - 2013-08-13 15:34:47
[待更新] 烟台斯坦普是加拿大独资, 从事建筑外墙外保温及特种聚合物干粉砂产品研制开发和生产的专业化公司。致力于对柔性面砖, 饰面砂浆, 质感涂料, 艺术地坪, 防水砂浆, 瓷砖粘结剂, 干粉砂浆, 新型饰面材料等的研究开发。*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14PPGIVY长春藤漆网站...
[待更新] 作为PPG在中国的三大建筑涂料品牌之一的“长春藤漆”(IVY)品牌创建于1994年,凭借在中国涂料市场10多年的专业经验,秉承“攀越无限”的长春藤精神,发展至今的“长春藤漆”已经在市场上树立起了品质优良,高性价比,有亲和力的自然环保的品牌形象,更是众多消费者心目中的首选...www.p*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14Painting Business
[待更新] Start a painting business: Make hundreds of dollars daily in your own painting business starting this week!www.paintin*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14Carmel Industrial Metal Markers and Metal Marker
[待更新] Manufacturer of Metal Markers: Paint Pen, Paint Markers, Steel Pens, Tube and Bottle Markers, Lumber Crayons, Rubber Crayon, Carpenter's Chalk, Tailor Chalk, Tailor Crayon, Livestock Marker, Tire Crayon, Valve Action Paint Marker, Valve Action Marker, Glass marker, Glass crayon, Livestock Paintstik, Railroad Chalk, Paint Marker Sticks.www.metal-mar*
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2011-05-14Markal
[待更新] Markal features a complete line of high performance paint markers and marking products designed to meet the most difficult industrial marking applications.www.*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14江门坚美装饰涂料厂...
[待更新] 江门坚美装饰涂料厂创立于1996年,是由中外合资兴办的专业生产涂料为主的化工企业。www.j*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14晶莎 让人们更美丽
- GB2312 - 2011-05-14House of Paint
- ISO-8859-1 - 2011-05-14Digital Paint Booth
- ISO-8859-1 - 2011-05-14Industrial Coatings
[待更新] Endura is a manufacturer of high performance polyurethane and epoxy industrial coatings. Product lines include, industrial paint systems, easy clean anti-graffiti coatings and environmentally friendly primers and topcoats.www.endu*
- UTF-8 - 2011-05-14