- UTF-8 - 2014-12-12

- GB2312 - 2014-12-12

Carbazol Toner Violets...
Manufacturer and exporter of textile, dyestuffs and chemicals as inorganic pigment, carbazol toner violets, organic pigment, phthalocyanine pigments to european, american, african and asian countries from Vibfast Pigments Pvt Ltd in Ahmedabad, India.www.*ibfast.com
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Supplier of raw materials
U.S. Pigment supplies raw materials, stains, and glazes used in ceramics, glasswork, metallurgy, electronics, jewelry-making, and much more. Take advantage of the special monthly offerwww.uspi*ment.com
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China Pigment Manufacturer & Dyes Exporter...
Hangzhou Union Pigment is China Pigment Manufacturer, Dyes Exporter, Pigmens Supplier.We offer the Pigment, Dyes, Organic Pigment, Inorganic Pigment, Fluorescent Pigment, Photoluminescent Pigment, Pigment Presscake, Iron Oxide Pigment, Metal-Complex Solvent dyes, Solvent Dyes, Basic Dyes, Pigment Chips, Flush Pigment, Ceramic Pigment, Enamel Pigment, Polyamide Resin and other pigments and dyes products.www.union*igment.com
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池州泰阳颜料有限公司 生产5319酞菁绿G 颜料绿G 酞菁蓝BGS 酞菁蓝B的厂家 有机颜料 酞菁颜料 色粉 美术绿 4382酞菁蓝BGS 颜料蓝***酞菁蓝B 稳定型酞菁蓝 颜料红 紫 橙 等专业用于油墨塑胶色母油漆涂料等行业,深受好评,是安徽省科技厅授予安徽省民营科...www.typi*ment.com
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- GB2312 - 2014-12-12

- UTF-8 - 2016-04-03

TeraJet - Digital Pigment Printing Servicewww.ter*jet.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-04-04

inorganic pigments...
Synox, the leader in production of synthetic oxide pigments - Iron oxide pigments, inorganic pigments, organic pigments, with commitment to supplying high-performance pigments for the beautification of virtually everything. We're dedicated to providing not only the enduring aesthetics and performance, but also the same.......www.syn*xpigments.com
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