[待更新] 江苏京伦染织有限公司专业从事纱线染色, 毛巾漂染, 牛仔布染色加工生产, 纱线染色, 毛巾漂染, 牛仔布染色加工质量深受好评, 欢迎来电咨询:***www.js*lrz.com
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Hangzhou Best Colour Chemical Co...
[待更新] Hangzhou Best Colour Chemical Co., LTD product Chrome Yellow, Molybdate Red, Prussian Bluewww.bestcolour*hz.com
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treatment Agent Manufacturers...
[待更新] Homesom is a large reliable and professional manufacturers and suppliers for Silicone Oil, Pre-treatment Agent, Dyeing Agent.We have advanced and professional equipment to produce additives.We will always welcome your company to visit, our team will be there to provide you with professional product advice. You can rest assured to buy the products from our factory and we will offer you the best after-sale service and timely delivery.www.h*mesom-textile.com
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[待更新] 浙江蒙州化学有限公司主要从事中高档酸性染料及配套中间体的生产、研发和销售,并设立连云港新诚化工有限公司为主要生产基地,占地面积53280平方米。公司常年生产经营冷杉牌强酸性染料、弱酸性染料、中性染料和福莱特系列尼龙、羊毛专用染料。产品被广泛应用于丝绸、尼龙、羊毛、皮革、...www.qingyuandyestuff*.com
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[待更新] 淄博双木颜料有限公司主打生产氧化铁红, 用途广, 价格低, 质量好, 种类全, 品质放心, 厂家直贩, 生产工艺精湛, 型号颜色多可供选择www.sdyhthyl*.com
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[待更新] 鸡泽县印业化工染料有限公司是一家专业从事化工原料回收, 回收染料, 回收油漆原料等产品的公司, 本公司在行业内经过多年发展, 在邯郸当地拥有较高的知名度, 且在循环再利用方面拥有较高的工艺, 欢迎来厂参观和咨询....www.yinye*88.com
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optical brighteners manufacturers wholesale base...
[待更新] QiTai chemicalEmial:Sales@qitaichemical.com, optical brighteners manufacturers wholesale base, the main optical brightener for plastic, optical brightener ob, fluorescent brightener***www.o*ticalbrighteners.cn
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the main optical brightener fo...
[待更新] QiTai chemicalEmial:Sales@qitaichemical.com, optical brighteners manufacturers wholesale base, the main optical brightener for plastic, optical brightener ob, fluorescent brightener***www.opticalbrightenerc*ina.com
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[待更新] 济宁市明奥染料公司专业销售批发烧纸染料、幽冥纸染料、碱性嫩黄O等多种染料,咨询电话:*** 李经理www.jnmar*.com
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[待更新] 新型复合印花糊料,可代替部分或全部海藻酸钠,作用于印染工艺中,增稠、抱水、分散、流变性好,并且成糊率高,得色率好,手感好!www.gn*ok.com
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