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Chemicals 化工

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  • polyflake.com



    [涂料] - www.polyflake*.com - UTF-8 - 2024-05-22

  • northbasincoating.com

    North Basin Coating Inc


    [涂料] - www.northba*incoating.com - UTF-8 - 2024-05-22

  • porcher.co.uk

    Abrasive Coatings

      ::1Porcher is the leading UK manufacturer of specialist temperature-cured abrasive coated surfaces. Based in Lincolnshire our abrasive coatings are used in the UK and worldwide in a variety of applications from heavy industry to healthcare and hygiene. We coat drums, plates and rollers used in the vegetable preparation, automotive and textile industries. We also manufacture a wide range of anti-slip flooring products.

    [涂料] - www.porcher.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-05-21

  • peerless-coatings.co.uk

    Protective Coatings Plastic Sheet

      ::1Coatings to protect Plastic Sheet, Moulds and Display Screens. Peerless Plastics & Coatings. Including Clear and Anti Glare Abrasion Resistant Coatings.

    [涂料] - www.peerless-coatings.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-05-21

  • pcoating.com


       [待审] ローコスト住宅とは『低価格で家を建てられる贤い家づくりの选択。』ローコスト住宅の窓口では【失败・后悔しない】低コストな家づくりに役立つ情报をお届けします。ローコスト住宅のメリットやデメリット、ブログで分かる失败谈や后悔の事例、ローコストハウスメーカーの口コミ评判・坪単価...

    [涂料] - www.pcoat*ng.com - UTF-8 - 2024-05-21

  • poetonaptec.co.uk

    Cylinder plating


    [涂料] - www.poeton*ptec.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-05-21

  • pceng.com.sg

    Prime Corporation Enterprise Pte...

       [待审] We design the most cost-efficient plants that cater to each and every one of our client鈥檚 individual needs. Our industrial refrigeration plant performance are efficient and reliable. We have developed a strong presence in SEA.

    [涂料] - www.pce*g.com.sg - UTF-8 - 2024-05-21

  • plasticcoatings.co.uk

    Plastic Coatings Limited

      ::1Plastic Coatings Ltd is a leading UK specialist in the application of plastic coating materials including Thermoset & Thermoplastic Polymers, Fluoropolymers, Electrophoretic or E-Coat Paint, Primers and more.

    [涂料] - www.plasticcoatings.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2024-05-20

  • noc-ltd.com

    Northumbria Optical Coatings Ltd

      ::1NOC manufacture infrared optical interference filters and coatings in the range 1.***um. Products include wide and narrow band pass filters (Including those for gas analysis), edge filters, anti-reflection coatings and neutral density filters.

    [涂料] - www.noc-ltd.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2024-05-20

  • oxistopllc.com

    Oxistop International Welcome to Oxistop International


    [涂料] - www.o*istopllc.com - UTF-8 - 2024-05-20

  • soucke.com


       [待更新] 搜科商城(www.soucke.com)是行业内一家将实验室仪器采购、化学试剂、玻璃仪器、实验室常用设备、计量器具、自动化仪器仪表等信息,实现网上网下资源系统整合、以满足行业物质、信息畅通需要为主的社交新零售平台。实现一站式MRO采购商城。上海仪电分析,上海雷磁,昆山舒...

    [化学仪器] - www.soucke*.com - UTF-8 - 2021-12-29

  • jnjyjn1.com


       [待更新] 济宁聚元节能科技有限公司是有名的化工设计院, 主要从事石油和化工设计, 蒸发塔开发, 蒸发器开发和双碱法脱硫改进行业

    [化工项目合作] - www.jnjyj*1.com/ - UTF-8 - 2014-12-16

  • hzjcjc.com


       [待更新] 杭州吉创建材有限公司专业经营建筑用硅酮玻璃胶,幕墙结构胶、幕墙耐侯胶、大板玻璃胶、厨卫专用防霉胶、发泡剂、特种用途胶及电子等多用途胶。

    [胶黏剂] - www.hzjcjc*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-01-28

  • yysuliaotong.com


       [待更新] 山东恒通塑料制品有限公司专业生产塑料桶、5升塑料桶、10升塑料桶、15升塑料桶、16升塑料桶、20升塑料桶、25升塑料桶、30升塑料桶、50升塑料桶、160升塑料桶、200升塑料桶、1000升塑料桶、IBC桶、集装桶、吨桶、吨包装桶、化工塑料桶桶、口桶、吨桶、吨包装、千...

    [塑胶及塑胶制品] - www.yysul*aotong.com - GB2312 - 2015-03-08

  • tjlyslgs.com


       [待更新] 天津鲁源塑料制品是天津塑料桶, 塑料吨桶生产厂家;塑料桶包括:6L, 10L, 15L, 20L, 25L, 50L, 200L, 200公斤等不同规格;***

    [塑胶及塑胶制品] - www.tj*yslgs.com - GB2312 - 2015-03-08

  • likapallet.com


       [待更新] 上海力卡塑料托盘制造有限公司专业生产和销售塑料托盘的业务,产品防水, 防静电, 防摔耐腐蚀, 质量可靠.上海塑料托盘采购电话:(021)***

    [塑胶及塑胶制品] - www.likapal*et.com - UTF-8 - 2015-09-15

  • zhixincheng.com



    [塑胶及塑胶制品] - www.zhixinchen*.com - GB2312 - 2015-04-21

  • tjjunbang.com


       [待更新] 天津友顺涂料主要生产经营过氯乙烯漆、高氯化漆、氯磺化漆、氯化橡胶漆, 丙烯酸快干各类防腐漆, 用于钢铁等, 5分钟快干, 水性环保防腐漆等专利产品,我公司面生产油漆能力达10万吨,技术一流,产品优质,欢迎洽谈订购:*** ...

    [涂料] - www.t*junbang.com - GB2312 - 2015-05-08

  • cn-dayu.cn


       [待更新] 衬里衬氟阀门, 供暖全焊接球阀, 钢制全焊接球阀, 软密封浮动球阀, 软密封固定球阀, 凸耳式衬氟蝶阀, 小口径锻钢闸阀, 锻钢对焊截止阀是温州大禹流体控制科技有限公司的主营产品!雄厚的生产实力和专业的售后服务, 是您选择衬里衬氟阀门, 供暖全焊接球阀, 钢制全焊接球阀, 软密封浮动球阀, 软...

    [化工设备] - www.cn-da*u.cn - UTF-8 - 2015-06-22

  • toodudu.com


       [待更新] 涂多多是国内大型的油漆、涂料网上交易平台。主营产品包括:各大品牌涂料、原材料、涂料设备等。以低廉的价格、优质的服务打造涂料电商行业具有影响力的涂料商城购物平台。

    [涂料] - www.to*dudu.com - UTF-8 - 2015-12-04

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