Apparel Designing Processing 服装设计加工
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Food Photography Styling...
[待更新] DotDot Interactive is a branding, photography and graphic design firm specializing in the food and lifestyle industries based in Atlanta, Georgia.www.dotdotint*
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-01Designer Jewellery Fine Jewellery at EC One onweb
[待更新] EC One is an independent jewellery boutique, close to the heart of London's jewellery and diamond quarter in Hatton Garden. Based on Exmouth Market EC One is the ideal choice for bespoke jewellery specialising in bespoke engagement rings, wedding bands and jewellery repairs with our in store*
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-01Postgraduate design fashion School in Milan
[待更新] Domus Academy is the top-ranked international postgraduate design and fashion school in Milan. Earn a Master's Degree in Design, Fashion, Experience or Business.www.domusacadem*.com
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-30Fashion Design
[待更新] Find the best onweb Pattern Making Courses. Learn how to create & design your own clothes, easily. Pattern Making onweb Courses by eTelestia.www.etele*
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-28Dress Forms Design Studio
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- UTF-8 - 2019-09-27时尚职业装网
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-27Pattern Drafting and Fashion Design Courses
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-26Your Business Casual and Professional Dress Resource
[待更新] Dressing Well onweb, your executive presence and professional dress resource from Organization By Design, Inc.www.dressingw*
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-26onweb designer fashion and branded cloth...
[待更新] Save up to 70% on designer fashion! Europe's leading onweb designer outlet offers bargain designer fashion for HIM, HER and Kids.www.dress-for-*
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资讯库 - 服装设计加工 (127)
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- GB2312 - 2014-11-07时尚职业装网
- UTF-8 - 2019-09-27New York City award
- UTF-8 - 2019-11-20Xaykfs
- ISO-8859-1 - 2015-09-09Food Photography Styling...
[待更新] DotDot Interactive is a branding, photography and graphic design firm specializing in the food and lifestyle industries based in Atlanta,*
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-01Daily UK Retail News
[待更新] Daily retail news and regular retail conferences and events aimed at retail professionals.www.theretailbulle*
- UTF-8 - 2019-12-12唯麦会...
[待更新] 唯麦会汇集淘宝网九块九包邮商品, 还汇聚了聚美优品, 唯品会, 卷皮折扣, 女装, 鞋子, 包包, 饰品等9.9包邮秒杀商品, 每天10点开抢, 超值不断!www.*
- UTF-8 - 2015-06-24マジックミシン|洋服のお直し...
[待更新] 洋服のお直し・リフォームなら业界No.1の「マジックミシン」にお任せ下さい。洋服のお直しサービスから、衣装・ペット服のオーダー、バッグ修理・クリーニングなど、お直しのプロが丁宁に対応いたします。ぜひお気軽にご相谈ください。...www.magicmachin*
- SHIFT_JIS - 2016-03-27Fame Appeal
- UTF-8 - 2019-10-09全国対応のマヒナまで...
[待更新] 洋服买取ならマヒナがオススメ!人気ブランドのお洋服は买取り额アップ!未使用品やタグつきならさらに买取り额アップで想像以上のお値段での买取をさせていただきます!全国対応・査定や送料も无料ですので、まずはお気軽にお问い合わせください。...www.m*
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