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  • laioudyeing.com

    莱欧蕾丝染整 浙江 江苏 上海专业高档小缸染色...

       [待更新] 海安莱欧蕾丝染整有限公司,是一家专业从事高档蕾丝花边、刺绣花边、针织布染色及整理的染整企业。公司配备有拉幅定型机、常温溢流机、高温溢流机、高温压染机、水溶设备以及配套齐全的化验室和实验室检测设备,专业为客户后整加工各种材质的经编蕾丝、刺绣网布花边、棉布花边、针织布等常规...

    www.laiou*yeing.com - GBK - 2020-07-21

  • theluxuryhut.com

    Breitling Watches...

       [待更新] Pawn or Sell Watches like Rolex, Omega, Breitling and Jewellery to the trusted London pawnbrokers. Buy Luxury assets within your budget from The Luxury Hut. Visit Us onweb Now.

    www.the*uxuryhut.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-07-08

  • jasgood.com

    Belts for Men...

       [待更新] JASGOOD® specialize in people's fashion belts such as mens leather belts, women leather belts, nylon military belts, outdoor belts, casual belts, dress belts, waist belt, dog vest, invisible belt, dog bowl, dog slow eating bowl, passport wallets...

    www.jasgo*d.com - UTF-8 - 2020-05-21

  • yskj668.com


       [待更新] 上海众博贸易有限公司是韩国HHH拉链在中国上海营业部, 专业销售韩国HHH拉链;主营范围包括:HHH尼龙拉链, HHH金属拉链, HHH树脂拉链, HHH隐形拉链等.HHH以保护地球, 绿色环境, 顾客安全为宗旨不断研究和制定标准, 只限使用通过验证和可再生的材料.欢迎联系洽谈!...

    www.yskj668*.com/ - GB2312 - 2020-05-16

  • therealleathercompany.com

    Leather Messenger Bags for Men

       [待更新] Founded on the principles of quality, hard work and a throwback to fine craftsmanship. Shop The Real Leather Company for the finest leather messenger bags.

    th*realleathercompany.com - UTF-8 - 2020-05-12

  • weddingplanningbooks.com

    Wedding Planning Books

       [待更新] A helpful place for anyone getting married!

    weddingplannin*books.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-04-17

  • marothjewels.com

    custom Jewellery

       [待更新] Home at Marothjewels.com. Wholesale manufacturer from India.. Worldwide shipping.

    www.marothj*wels.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-04-15

  • esquirelife.com

    Esquire Life


    www.esquirelif*.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-03-24

  • chinanews.com


      ::5中国新闻网是知名的中文新闻门户网站,也是全球互联网中文新闻资讯至重要的原创内容供应商之一。依托中新社遍布全球的采编网络, 每天24小时面向广大网民和网络媒体,快速、准确地提供文字、图片、页示等多样化的资讯服务。在新闻报道方面,中新网动态新闻及时准确,解释性报道角度独特,稿...

    www.chinanews.com/ - UTF-8 - 2020-02-27

  • signature-lashes.com

    Mink Lashes Vancouver BC

       [待更新] Mink lashes Vancouver for every occasion. Lashes are meticulously hand crafted with real mink. For the best eyelashes in Vancouver, visit Signature Lashes!

    signa*ure-lashes.com - UTF-8 - 2020-02-27

  • embird.com

    Digitizing and Cross Stitch Software for Windows

       [待更新] Software for designs (patterns) management, digitizing and lettering. 70+ embroidery, cross stitch and quilting formats for home and industrial machines.

    www.em*ird.com - WINDOWS-1252 - 2015-01-09

  • embroiderymall.com



    www.embroiderymall*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-01-19

  • grandembroiderydesigns.com

    Designs downloadable in a variety of formats fro...

       [待更新] Download domestic machine Embroidery Designs, FREE Machine Embroidery Patterns. Huge savings on unique Sewing Machine Embroidery Designs library all Embroideries low cost for Brother PES Janome JEF Pfaff VP3 Viking Husqvarna HUS and Bernina designs catalogue all digitized file formats.

    www.grandemb*oiderydesigns.com - WINDOWS-1252 - 2015-01-26

  • pantograms.com

    Toyota embroidery machines...

       [待更新] Pantograms is an authorized distributor of TOYOTA Commercial Embroidery Machines and GS1501 embroidery machines.

    www.*antograms.com - UTF-8 - 2015-02-20

  • platinumembroidery.com

    Free N...

       [待更新] machine embroidery designs in many formats including PES HUS JEF XXX PCS VIP DST EXP

    www.platinumem*roidery.com - WINDOWS-1252 - 2015-02-26

  • pulsemicro.com

    Pulse Microsystems


    www.pulsemic*o.com - UTF-8 - 2015-02-25

  • stitchitcheap.com

    Stitch It Cheap

       [待更新] Embroidery designs

    www.*titchitcheap.com - UTF-8 - 2015-03-06

  • womensfashiondirectory.com

    Womens Fashion Directory

       [待更新] Women's Fashion Directory guide to the womenswear market. Find women's clothing and fashion accessory suppliers and services. Locate women's fashion boutiques, clothing wholesalers, ladies apparel manufacturers, fashion trend services, fashion news, fashion career agencies, and more. Learn about women's fashion at fashion week and other fashion events. The women's fashion directory will guide you to all aspects of women's clothes and style.

    www.womensfas*iondirectory.com - UTF-8 - 2011-09-29

  • cnykbz.com


       [待更新] 永康标志厂专业生产服装辅料及帽徽,臂章,肩章,技术采用进口环保材料印刷,服饰牢固度好、鲜艳色彩、手感柔软、富有弹性、品质稳定, 具有雄厚的技术和生产管理经验,主营:臂章、帽徽、肩章,欢迎国内外服装企业、外贸公司来人.来涵洽谈。...

    www.cn*kbz.com - GB2312 - 2012-07-18

  • di28.com

    新款女装搭配 淘宝商城女装点评...

       [待更新] 淘宝商城女装搭配推荐点评,为您提供各类女装女装包,大码女装,韩版女装,太平鸟女装,欧时力女装,红袖女装,女士包包,为您淘宝商城上购物女装提供至新的女装资讯!

    www.di*8.com - GB2312 - 2012-04-30

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