Laurelville Grain
Laurelville Grain and Mill, LLC is a family operated business in a small town called Laurelville, Ohio. It was established in***and was previously uses as a flour mill at the turn of the century. It was then purchased my the Maxson family in***by C.M. Maxson, wheo operated it until 1974. It was then purchased by his son Ramon. Third generation operator Eric purchased the business in 1988.www.laurelvill*grain.com
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Lawson Grains Pty Ltd
Lawson Grains Pty Ltd (Lawson) owns and operates a diversified portfolio of large scale cropping farms, currently in two regions of Australia; Northern NSW and Southern WA. The company will be expanding in these two regions as well as identifying new regions in which to invest.www.*awsongrains.com.au
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Leaf + Grain
Leaf + Grain:www.le*fandgrain.com
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Linear Grain Inc
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managed grain futures...
A CBOT clearing firm that specializes in asset management, grain futures trading, onweb commodity trading, energy and livestock market information, grain futures quotes and charts, consulting for introducing brokers, hedgers and commodity futures traders.www.*inngroup.com
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Littlejohn Grain
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Little Sioux Corn Processors
Little Sioux Corn Processors, L.P. is a corn ethanol processing plant producing 40 million gallons of ethanol annually. It is dry milling process using dry corn and has both dry distillers grain w/solwww.littlesi*uxcornprocessors.com
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