轻工设备 Light Industry Machinery

Acter enterprises is a professional manufacturers and suppliers of metal surfaces processing machines and wood brushing flooring drawing machine. With years of unremitting technological innovation and marketing efforts, Acter have gained a positive standing in the markets and some of our news clients know our company and products through recommendations given by our current machine users.[工业设备代理] - www.*ctercn.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-05-15

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- UTF-8 - 2015-12-01

青岛奥凯德机械生产铝板复膜机, 钢板复膜机, 铝板贴膜机, 保护膜贴膜机, 金属板抛光机, 铝板拉丝机, 不锈钢拉丝机, 铜板拉丝机, 木材拉丝机, 磨砂机, 不锈钢板磨砂机, 砂带抛光机, 水磨抛光机, 不锈钢磨砂机, 钢板研磨机, 金属板打磨机等...[包装材料] - www.fumojix*e.com
- GB2312 - 2017-06-19

奥凯德公司生产 拉丝机、磨砂机不锈钢拉丝机、不锈钢板磨砂机、铝板拉丝机、木板拉丝机、表面拉丝机、砂带抛光机、平板复膜机、钢板打磨机、不锈钢板磨砂机、钢板研磨机、金属板抛光机、平板表面复膜机等,本厂具有多年的生产经验,所生产的机器质量可靠,价格合理, 交货及时, 得到广大客户...[工业设备合作] - www.aoka*de.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-06-06

奥凯德机械生产铝板拉丝机、不锈钢拉丝机、铜板拉丝机、木材拉丝机、磨砂机、不锈钢板磨砂机、砂带抛光机、金属板抛光机、水磨抛光机、不锈钢磨砂机、钢板研磨机、金属板打磨机、平板表面复膜机贴膜机等...[轻工设备] - www.akdj*.cn
- GB2312 - 2015-12-01
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