齿轮、传动带 Gears & Transmission Belt
Keilriemen - Antriebe. Optibelt liefert Spitzenprodukte für Antriebssysteme. Mit Systemtechnik, Engineering und Service setzt Optibelt seit Jahrzehnten Maßstäbe.[齿轮、传动带] - www.optibel*.info
- UTF-8 - 2014-01-18
Sales of Bearings in the Philippines, FAG, Timken, INA, ZKL[轴承] - www.be*ring.ph
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-24
进口皮带 三星皮带 进口同步带 日本三星 三星同步带...
[齿轮、传动带] - www.wuhanbelt*.com
- GB2312 - 2014-04-16
威欧特机电设备有限公司隶属于嘉业集团。是一家配套销售国内外知名品牌传动零部件及标准件的专业服务商。主要生产和经营:欧式皮带轮、美式皮带轮、日式皮带轮、可调皮带轮、多锲带轮、锥套、涨紧联结套、联轴器、同步带轮、链轮、齿轮、皮带及各种复杂的传动件组合,并承接非标设计及制造。...[工业设备代理] - www.wotltd*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-10-09
Manufacturer of V...
OPTIBELT is a manufacturer of quality high performance single and banded v-belts, timing belts, ribbed belts, polyurethane belts and more. They are used in industries such as oil, natural gas, factories, hvac, lumber, paper, construction, aggregate and more. They are available in the USA at authorized OPTIBELT distributors.[齿轮、传动带] - www.o*tibelt-usa.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-07-07
Optibelt liefert Spitzenprodukte für Antriebssysteme. Mit Systemtechnik, Engineering und Service setzt Optibelt seit Jahrzehnten Ma??stäbe.[传送带、输送带] - www.o*tibelt.de
- UTF-8 - 2013-07-07
Timing Belts Timing Belt Pulleys
Pfeifer Industries is an industry leader in timing belts and timing belt pulleys. Choose Pfeifer for all your timing belt needs.[齿轮、传动带] - www.pfeiferind*stries.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-02-16
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