医药原料、中间体 Pharmaceutical Chemicals
上海网站制作公司小视角(大视野)科技是一家多年专业从事上海网站制作、网站建设、网页设计的公司;我们提供从网站策划、网页设计、数据库开发、程序开发、网站测试、网站维护、网站推广、到网站优化的一站式服务,并且把客户网站品质视为宗旨。咨询电话:***...[网站建设] - www.sma*lview.cn
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-18
Accelrys is a software company which provides scientific enterprise software for chemical, materials and bioscience research especially in the areas of drug discovery and materials science.[软件] - www.ac*elrys.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-05-17
Chemical Abstracts Service Home Page
Chemical Abstracts Service, CAS, is the producer of Chemical Abstracts, SciFinder, and co-partner in operating STN International, all of which provide comprehensive, authoritative, and reliable
access to chemical and scientific information from databases covering topics such as chemistry, engineering, patents, medicine, and regulatory data. [其他] - www.cas*.org
- UTF-8 - 2012-10-21
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Advancing excellence, connecting chemical scientists and shaping the future of the chemical sciences for the benefit of humanity.[化工项目合作] - www.*sc.org
- UTF-8 - 2022-12-26
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