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Chemical Machinery
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 Specialty Gases - Compressed Refrigerants R-12 R-134a or chlorofluorocarbons. Defense services include NSN National Stock Number FACNET Developments MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets for dozens of Compressed Gases Recover Recycle Equipment

Description: Specialty Gases - Compressed Gases - Refrigerants R-12, R-134a, or chlorofluorocarbons. Defense services include NSN (National Stock Number), MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for dozens of Compressed Gases. Bulk and Cylinder gases for Refrigerants (Halocarbons) and Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) and a variety of other Specialty Gas. Support products such as cylinders, manifolds, recovery equipment and recycle equipment. Specialize in Defense Logistics and Services....

Catalog: Chemical Machinery @ Chemicals

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Last modified: 2017-03-27 01:56:01
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