2016-06-05 William Shaw - Owner - Air Duct Cleaning Brentwood - 家政、保洁 - 180.148.212.*
Brentwood, California air duct cleaning business serving all the air duct sanitizing needs of all types of residential and industrial structures. Air duct coating repair and maintenance projects also ... (38/1)
2016-06-03 William Lanctot - owner - Carpet Cleaning Alhambra - 家政、保洁 - 1.23.21.*
Carpet cleaning in Alhambra providing comprehensive cleaning services for carpets, rugs, sofas and floor tiles. Gives clients full mold and mildew inspection to ensure cleanliness throughout the floor... (28/1)
2016-05-25 王光明 - 经理 - 广州六森办公家具有限公司 - 办公家具 - 223.74.65.* - 访问网站
六森家具愿和各界友人携手成为时代典范。本厂专业生产大班台、职员台、会议台、屏风、转椅、沙发、钢木制文件柜、餐台椅、铁床及学校家具,定制卫生间隔断... (65/2)
2016-05-24 王先生 - 经理 - 上海市闸北区彭浦新村345号 - 活性炭 - 49.89.71.* - 访问网站
业地位的一流活性炭企业。生产制造各种规格椰壳活性炭、果壳活性炭、煤质活性炭、木质粉炭。广泛用于集团和家用净水器,饮水机及电厂、石油工业、污水处理等工程中。... (53/1)
2016-05-24 Wilfred Kaitlyn - Lee'S Summit Locksmith - Lee'S Summit Locksmith - 报警装置 - 182.68.105.*
24*7 Locksmith Services, Locks & keys Emergency Services,... (37/1)