2016-03-27 王经理 - 经理 - 河北安瑞门业 - 门窗 - 113.97.195.* - 访问网站
主营产品:防火卷帘门,防火无基布帘,防火平开门,工业平开门,工业敨视门,垂直提升门,车库门,抗风卷帘门... (26/1)
2016-03-24 王志刚 - 销售 / 销售 - 上海欢琪塑胶管道有限公司 - 阀门 - 114.85.67.* - 访问网站
欢琪塑料阀门厂家长期供应中海油电动阀门,塑料阀门自来水厂气动阀门,储液灌系统电动阀门,污水处理各种气动阀门,塑料阀门等,拥有先进的加工设备,检测设备,品质保证,凭着经营电气塑料阀门系列多年经验,熟悉并了解塑料阀门系列市场行情,迎得了国内外厂商的一致好评,欢迎来电来涵洽谈交流。... (31/1)
2016-03-22 William Morris - Owner - Garage Door Repair Los Altos - 维修 - 192.161.50.*
The experts of Garage Door Repair Los Altos provide swift emergency assistance and complete problem resolution. The contractor caters to the maintenance needs of overhead doors and openers in Californ... (18/1)
2016-03-22 Wilburn Stephens - Owner - Garage Door Repair Levittown - 维修 - 39.46.79.*
People in New York feel safe just by having Garage Door Repair Levittown around. It responds fast, is an ace in opener problems, has solutions, is a master in overhead doors and offers thorough mainte... (21/1)
2016-03-08 武经理 - 主管 / 销售部 - 河北邢台鼎茂机械厂 - 食品设备 - 110.246.170.* - 访问网站
河北邢台鼎茂机械厂主要生产面条机、拌面机、洗面机等食品机械。... (32/1)