Bags & Cases - 箱包、袋2012-11-23
Skype: slotanna
No. 1382, Jie Fang Bei Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China
城市: Guangzhou
省: Guangdong
邮编: 510080
国家/地区: China
电话: (86)020-36255442 offers thousands of fashion china handbags at wholesale price onweb. All China handbags are designed according to the latest fashion styles and trend. You can wholesale China handbags at the lowest price over there. is a leading supplier of wholesale handbags with its own factory based in China. With enriching experience in supplying wholesale bags featuring exquisite quality and trendy style, Slot Anna is a one-stop store for handbag boutiques looking for a reliable wholesale source, and currently serves hundreds of handbag vendors all over the world.
At, our extensive ranges of wholesale women’s bags and men’s bags including shoulder bags, hobos, totes, satchels, leather bags, PU bags, canvas bags, designer inspired bags and many more offer you terrific alternatives for chic look at low prices. Our handbag wholesale program is guaranteed to be completely hassle-free and all products are in stock. And with our secure onweb shopping, 24 hour worldwide shipping, 365 day free return policy and loyalty program, buying from is convenient and entirely risk free.
Our Mission: seeks to provide fashionable handbags at the lowest price for handbag retailers and vendors all over the world, eliminating stock, risk and cost.
Our Values:
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is paramount and we’re always seeking to establish long term relationships based on trust and satisfaction.
Uncompromising commitment to integrity is deeply rooted in our brand values and we stake our reputation on everything we make and sell.
Sustainable innovation drives winning performances and we’ve been renovating our product lines to offer more fashionable handbags for our customers.
Collaboration boasts a team of collaborative people in a dynamic culture of mutual respect to work for our products.
最后更新 2012-11-23 18:56:4062.113.237.*
[辅料、饰品] - www.slot*
- UTF-8 - 2012-11-23
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